

老玉米 蔬食益生 2022-10-22

译者前言:蔬果昔的阵营总是分两方:支持方和反对方,各有各的理由。今天终于下决心把蔬果昔的是是非非翻译出来,这5个蔬果昔视频系列可是 Michael Greger 医生查阅几百篇研究论文后的总结!


Michael Greger 医生笔记




Smoothies are one of the most requested topics, but for years there seemed to be little pertinent research. I was surprised when I reprised my search this year to find hundreds of studies, so it’s smoothie time!



I rarely do such long contiguous video series anymore, but I had neglected the topic for so long I wanted to get them out. So this is the first of five videos I have coming out over the next two weeks. Stay tuned for:



Series 1:Are Green Smoothies Good for You?



Series 2: Are Green Smoothies Bad for You?



Series 3:Green Smoothies:What Does the Science Say?



Series 4: Liquid Calories: Do Smoothies Lead to Weight Gain?



Series 5: The Downside of Green Smoothies

阅读: Michael Greger 医生的故事



Series 1:Are Green Smoothies Good for You?

请看Michael Greger 医生制作的小视频:



Unhealthy lifestyle behaviors associated with increased risk of premature death include things like smoking, and excessive drinking, and not eating enough greens.


The best way to get your greens is in whichever way you’ll eat the most of them, and one way to sneak extra greens into your daily diet is with whole food smoothies, a potent blend of good nutrition in a quick, portable, delicious form.

Mayo诊所提供了一种基本蔬果昔配方,包括了最健康的水果 – 莓类,和最健康的深绿色蔬菜。

The Mayo Clinic offers this as a basic green smoothie recipe, combining the healthiest of fruits — berries — with the healthiest of vegetables, dark green leafies.

  • 1条香蕉 

  • 1 banana

  • 1/2 杯草莓

  • 1/2 c. strawberries

  • 1个柠檬汁(大约3 汤匙)

  • Jiuce of 1 lemon (about 3 tbs.)

  • 0.5 杯其它莓果(例如:黑莓,蓝莓)

  • 1/2 c. other berry (for example, black-berry, blueberry)

  • 约60克嫩菠菜叶

  • 2 oz. fresh baby spinach

  • 1 汤匙新鲜薄荷(根据口味增减)

  • 1 tbs. fresh mint(more or less to taste)

  • 1 杯冷水或冰块

  • 1 c. cold water or ice cubes


全部放入搅拌机内打成糊状。可做成4 份大约 180 毫升的蔬果昔。

Place all ingredients in a blender and puree to desired consistency. Yields about 4 6-oz. servings.


Two ounces of baby spinach is about a cup and a half. Curly parsley is another mild beginner green to start with.



Surprisingly, the sweetness of the fruit masks the bitterness of the greens, such that the pickiest of children love them, along with any adults who would otherwise not consume dark green leafy vegetables for breakfast.


关于水果。调查显示十几岁的学生早餐平均只吃了1/20 份的水果 - 含水果的谷物圈不计算在内,但提供蔬果昔却可显著增加水果消耗量,因为这些学生不想花时间削水果皮和咀嚼水果 — 谁没有时间嚼水果呢?。

Or even fruit for that matter. The average teen may only get about 1/20th of a serving of fruit, otherwise — and Loops don’t count. But offering smoothies can have a dramatic effect on fruit consumption for students who do not want to take time peeling or chewing fruit — who doesn’t have time to chew fruit?



But the milkshake-y texture of smoothies may not just boost the quantity of fruit and vegetable consumption, but also the quality.



Carotenoid phytonutrients, like beta carotene and lycopene, can exist as microscopic crystals trapped within the cell walls of fruits and vegetables, and they’re released only when the cells are disrupted; that’s why we need to chew really well. (“Mastication” is doctor-speak for chewing.)


我们要么仔细咀嚼,要么选择容易咀嚼的蔬果。比如:蕃茄含有比西瓜更多的β- 胡萝卜素,但西瓜内的β- 胡萝卜素更容易释放出来增加生物利用度,因为西瓜的细胞壁比较软。

We either have to chew better or choose plants that are easier to chew. For example, while tomatoes have more beta-carotene than watermelon does, the watermelon’s beta-carotene is more bioaccessible, because it has kind of wimpy cell walls.



But the cells of other fruits and vegetables are smaller and tougher. To maximize nutrient release, food particle size would ideally be reduced to smaller than the width of the individual plant cells, but you can’t do that with chewing.


当你咀嚼时,大部分的蔬菜碎片都比 2 毫米大,就象图中所示的那样(译注:约80%),但如果我们把所有细胞壁都打开就会释放出更多营养物质。

Most vegetable particles end up greater than two millimeters when you chew them, which corresponds to way up here, whereas if we broke open all the cells we could release much more nutrition.



We can never chew as well as a blender.



The particle size distribution from chewing is about what you’d get blending in a food processor for about five seconds, or one of those high speed blenders for may be half a second.

上图:人类咀嚼胡萝卜(50克)的颗粒大小与 2500 转/分搅拌机搅拌 5 秒钟的颗粒大小差不多


40 seconds in a blender and you can break spinach down to a subcellular level.




Why does that matter?



Take folate, for example: the B vitamin in greens that is especially important for women of childbearing age.



Feed people a cup of spinach a day for three weeks, and their folate goes up compared to control.


但如果只是吃之前先用刀细细地切碎,血液中的叶酸也比不切碎的情况高2倍 – 对叶黄素的吸收来说也是一样的影响,叶黄素是绿色植化素中对视力特别重要的。

But even just chop it up finely with a knife first before chewing it, and you end up with more than twice as much in your bloodstream — and the same absorption boosting effect with lutein, the green nutrient so important for our eyesight.



It’s not what you eat; it’s what you absorb.


但对叶黄素来说,只能提高 14%;所以,多嚼几下绿叶蔬菜就会多吸收些营养。

But for lutein, the boost was only 14%; so, a few extra bites of the whole leafy greens would have gotten you just as much.



And some other nutrients, such as vitamin C, aren’t affected by pre-chopping at all.



And this is less of an issue with cooked vegetables.


这是对于生的胡萝卜。如果先煮 3 分钟,只是象平时一样咀嚼也可释放超过生吃胡萝卜 10 倍的营养,但还是不如搅拌的方式。

This is for raw carrots. Boil the carrots for three minutes first, and even just regular chewing can release about ten times more, but not as much as blended.


如果煮很长时间 – 煮25分钟 – 细胞壁被破坏的很彻底,即使大块的吞下也能比生吃显著增加吸收。

Intense cooking — boiling for 25 minutes — so damages the cell walls that even gulping down large particles can result in significant absorption.


即使如此,搅拌仍可提高类胡萝卜素双倍利用率,这就可以解释搅碎再煮熟的胡萝卜比只是煮熟后压碎的胡萝卜多吸收 3 倍的α和β胡萝卜素。

But even then, blending may double carotenoid availability, explaining why we maybe able to absorb three times the alpha- and beta-carotene from puréed cooked carrots compared to mashed cooked carrots.



So, blending vegetables — raw or cooked — into soups, sauces, or smoothies can maximize nutrient absorption.


You went to the store and bought it, or toiled in your garden to grow it; you might as well take full advantage of it.



Might there be a downside to enhanced absorption, though? 


We’ll find out, next.

