

能救命的营养学 蔬食益生 2023-06-04

本视频由Michael Greger医生于 2015 年 8 月 17 日发布,来自NutritionFacts.org — 能救命的营养学。



Michael Greger 医生是畅销书《How Not to Die》一书作者,中文译本:繁体版书名为《食疗圣经》。简体版书名为《救命》,于今年5月底出版。


Olive Oil & Artery Function



Does extra virginolive oil have the same adverse effect on arterial function as refined oils and animal fats?




The relative paralysis of our arteries for hours after eating fast food and cheesecake may also occur after olive oil.



Olive oil was found to have the same impairment to endothelial function as the rest of these high-fat meals. Sausage and Egg McMuffin was the worst, but olive oil wasn’t far behind.


研究表明,摄取橄榄油后对血管内皮的好处已经测量出不同的结果 - 缺血诱导的,与血流介导的内皮依赖性血管舒张功能相对比 - 并没有很好的证据表明,这实际上是血管内皮功能的指标,这是预测心脏疾病的指标。数百项研究表明,测试可能会带来假阴性结果。

Studies that have suggested endothelial benefits after olive oil consumption have measured something different — ischemia-induced, as opposed to flow-mediated dilation — and there’s just not good evidence that that’s actually an index of endothelial function, which is what predicts heart disease. Hundreds of studies have shown that this other test can give a false negative result.


但是,这不仅仅是橄榄油。 其他油类也显示对血管内皮功能有不良影响 - 每次餐后3小时内皮功能显著且持续降低,与油的类型无关,以及与油是否新鲜还是油炸的无关。

But, it’s not just olive oil. Other oils have also been shown to have deleterious effects - a significant constant decrease in endothelial function three hours after each meal, independent of the type of oil, or whether the oil was fresh or deep fried.


Olive may be better than omega-6-rich oils, or saturated fats, but still showed adverse effects. But this study was done on regular refined olive oil. What about extra virgin?



Extra virgin olive oil retains a fraction of the anti-inflammatory phytonutrients found in the olive fruit, and so it does not appear to induce the same kind of spike in inflammatory markers caused by regular olive oil. But what does that mean for our arteries?


与牛油相比,特级初榨橄榄油可能具有更多的中性作用,牛油发挥的有害作用持续长达六个小时 - 基本上直到下一顿饭。

Extra virgin olive oil may have more of a neutral effect, compared to butter, which exerted a noxious effect that lasted for up to six hours — basically right up to our next meal.



In the largest prospective study ever to assess the relationship between olive oil consumption and cardiac events, like heart attacks, there was a suggestion that virgin olive oil may be better than regular olive oil, but neither were found to significantly reduce heart attack rates after controlling for healthy dietary behaviors like vegetable intake, which tends to go hand-in-hand with olive oil intake.



There have been studies, though, showing even extra virgin olive oil, contrary to expectations, may significantly impair endothelial function as well.



So why do some studies suggest people’s endothelial function improves on a Mediterranean diet, a diet rich in olive oil?



Perhaps because it’s also rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, and walnuts, as well.



Dietary fruits and vegetables appear to provide some protection against the direct impairment on endothelial function produced by high-fat foods, including olive oil.



So, improvements in health may be in spite of, rather than because of, the oil.

就其对餐后血管内皮功能(饭后)的影响而言,地中海式饮食的有益成分可能主要是富含抗氧化剂的食物 - 蔬菜、水果及其衍生物,例如巴萨米克香醋。

In terms of their effects on postprandial endothelial function (after a meal), the beneficial components of the Mediterranean diet may primarily be the antioxidant-rich foods — the vegetables, fruits, and their derivatives, such as balsamic vinegar. 


Just adding some vegetables to a fatty meal may partially restore arterial functioning and blood flow.

(翻译及字幕制作:老玉米 Karen Chou)


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延伸阅读:吃素是技术活儿?《救命》作者Michael Greger 医生手把手教你怎么吃最有营养!

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