
项目式学习 | 进驻上海设计周看看设计相关专业的未来是什么?









The well known and fun Shanghai Design Week is back. This time is not only a great way to interact with designers and get to see, hear, feel the latest designs and concepts but also a great opportunity for you to experience new things, open your mind and find a new "playground" to let your imagination run around while learn about the connection of sustainibility and design.



The small handmade pencilcase or a small eco-friendly bag or other objects we use every day highlight our unique style. (PICTURE)

Have you ever thought about how these items are designed? What ideas are behind them? Who is the person who "created" them? Wouldn't it be super exciting to swim a bit in the world of design?




这个展台 Upbeing 为你承包了!


You feel that you are still very new to this world (the world of design) although you are interested in design, environmental protection, sustainable development and social innovation, right?

You might ask how can you find a meaningful and interesting project so you will get a better understanding of design and gain real life experience via interacting with designers?


加入 Upbeing 在2017上海设计周以可持续发展为主题的展出活动

Join the Shanghai Design Week as a junior project manager for the Eco-community Building Campaign presented by Upbeing.

✨ 活动亮点

Highlights of the activity

  • 你的创意将在高大上的上海展览中心(是的,就是安祖啦北鼻和闹太套之前大婚的地点)被千万人看到~

  • 你将全程参与到活动的策划,设计方案,或其他行动计划等

  • Your idea will be seen by more than 50 000 visitors at the Shanghai Design Week, which will be held at the big Shanghai Exhibition center

  • You will be involved in planning, designing and creating action plans for the workshop and think about the design of the booth.

🤓 你的收获及产出

  • 了解社会问题,并有所行动。

  • 从热爱到行动, 践行自己的设计

  • 接触到多元文化,各国人士,锻炼中英文沟通能力。

  • 学习并主导真实社会中的市场活动,学以致用

  • 得到一个成功举办活动的case

  • Get a deeper understanding of the social and environmental problems and their smart and innovative solution.How to lean on your passion to be able to take action more naturally

  • Learn about innovation and project management

  • Meet people from different cultural and professional background,Practice your Chinese and/ or English

  • Sense of accomplishment and have a successful case, which will look great on your university application material and CV.

  • Project - based learning and Problem - based learning

我们会根据项目制学习(Project-based learning)和基于问题的学习(Problem-based Learning )过程中不同工作阶段给予你指导。你将在辅导老师的协助下,完成整个活动。

We will give you guidance to complete the activity and provide mentors and facilitators.

🏃 学习与实践

Learning and practice:

课时1 (1-2小时)

Class 1 (1-2 hours) Training

  • 了解被主办方认可的活动的初步设计

  • 学习并准备活动前期和当场的流程

  • 招募志愿者,组建一个小团队

  • Get a better understanding of the main organizer and the event  and Come up with an initial idea

  • Preparation for the event and structure of the activity

  • Recruit volunteers, build a small team


Class 2 (1-2hours) Training

  • 学习并运用设计思维制作原型并迭代

  • 活动前期的物料收集及准备

  • Learn about design thinking process, what is prototyping and itirating

  • Get together the necessary materials and tools, further develop the rundown of the activity


Class 3 (1-2hours) Training

  • 活动的彩排

  • Rehearse the process

课时x (9月1-3号)

Class x (1st-3rd September ) Event

  • 自己、团队或其他志愿者参与活动的现场把控 (9月1号还是乖乖去上学~,我们替你看展台)

  • Participate in the event as a main host or coordinator (1st September is the first day of the school, then we will find someone to substitute you)


Class 4 (1-2hours)  Graduation, Evaluation and Follow-up

  • 活动结束后进行后期总结(如果有意愿,可以帮忙制定团队后续的更多行动计划)

  • After the activity there will be an comprehensive evaluation and report

  • If you are interested can develop further action plans and ideas for the team

  • Get a recommendation letter

👀 基本信息:

Basic info:


前期学习时间: 学习时间可根据你的时间灵活安排。

上海设计周时间: 9月1-3日

Training location: 上海市浦东新区乳山路206号724社创空间或者线上 NPI office, Address: 204 Rushan road, Pudong, Shanghai and/or online

Duration: 2-3 weeks

Training time: will arrange according to your schedule

Shanghai Design Week event date: 1st-3rd september (Friday-Sunday)



Shanghai Design Week for city for life,2017上海设计周(全称“上海设计之都活动周”)——用“设计”重新定义城市与生活,用“想象力”重新定义精彩和时尚。

2017年 “再生”-当设计遇见可持续”是由创E汇联合10余家公益机构及企业共同发起的可持续设计活动,将于2017年9月在上海设计周亮相。这一次,我们将年轻的组织、机构和人聚集起来,通过设计的力量,让他们的想法在一起碰撞、融合,触发新一轮的“再生”。活动汇集嘉宾论坛、可持续产品展示、可持续工作坊等多种形式,旨在推广可持续生活方式,增进设计师与可持续领域的交流,促进可持续理念与设计的更好融合。

时间:2017.9.1 - 9.2:  09:00 - 18:00

2017.9.3: 09:00 - 16:00

地点: 上海展览中心(上海市静安区延安中路1000号)

About Shanghai Design Week

Date: 2017.9.1 - 9.2

Time: 09:00 - 18:00

Date: 2017.9.3

Time: 09:00 - 16:00

Location: 上海展览中心(上海市静安区延安中路1000号)

About "REFORM - When design meet sustainable" at Shanghai Design Week

2017 "REFORM - When design meet sustainable "  organized by CreateNetowrk, co-partner with more than 10 social organizations and enterprises, which will be presented at Shanghai Design Week in September 2017. This year, we will have start-up organizations, institutions and individuals collaborated together, through power of design, communicate with ideas exchange, integration, trigger new finding and possibilities. During the event, forum, green products, sustainable workshops will be conducted. It promote sustainable business and lifestyle, to encourage communication between designers and sustainable specialists, enhance the idea of integration on sustainable and design.


在 Upbeing 我们为学生们打造量身定制的社会创新项目,帮助学生在做中学,发掘自身潜能和天赋,提前探索自己未来的专业和职业,成为具有国际竞争力的创变者&斜杠青年。

At Upbeing we generate and scale up action in social innovation areas to accelerate progress towards a sustainable and fun society where we advocate achieving human's full potential.

