
一个椰子味的社会创新商赛营 A coconut taste social innovation camp

Upbeing 2020-10-02


△ 这是我们带过的颜值最高的一届了哇

上周 Upbeing 来到美丽的海南,给乐东黎族自治县黄流中学的65名学生开展了一场社会创新商赛营~

Upbeing conducted a social innovation business camp in Hainan countryside with 65 students from Huangliu high school.

Upbeing 独创的方法和内容帮助学生跳出自身的思维局限,寻找系统式的联系,洞察当地社会及环境问题。 


Our cross-border innovative content and methods helped the students to open their mind, think out of box, find the systematic connection, observe the local social and environmental issues, and have a deeper understanding of the topic. As a result they came up with innovative solutions, while learnt how to work in teams and became more aware of themselves.


We used various creative tools and elements from action-learning, arts, music, drama, sports, science, psychology, design to ignite students creative power and push them on the road of innovation.





“因为我闭着眼睛,看不见我的伙伴看见的远景,所以我由着他领导我”  (多少公司里面的员工没有与老板的远景达成共识与信任。 )

"Now you know how I felt." " My eyes were closed, I didn't see the vision my partner saw, so I had to rely on my partner. "

These are the feedbacks after playing the "trust game"



△ 棉花糖挑战赛


"When the resources are limited we can lend each other even though the competition is fierce at the end of the day we all work to make the world a better place, why not collaborate to have a bigger impact?"(How many times this "attitude" would be beneficial in companies and  in the world in general?)




What's the impact of the camp to me?

让我更好的融入集体,对别人的话有保持一种“Yes,and”的态度               It helps me intergrate better into the group and helps me get an attitude of ‘yes,and’ during conversation with others. 

从玩中学习到各种各样的商业知识,了解了螺旋理论等。对商赛更加有兴趣。I studied different kinds of knowledge about business while playing and learned about the spiral theory. I'm more interested in business contest now.

嗯嗯嗯…主要是可持续发展发展吧!没有人讲过用商业解决社会问题。em...mainly about the sustainable development. No one before had told me that we can solve a social problem through business

我学会了不论以任何方式,做任何商业,都不能以破坏环境为主。I've learned that no matter what we do or what business we run, we shall never do it by harming the environment.

让我真正了解到了商业益处,也让我的内心变得更加外向。It not only made me realize the true benefit of business, but made me much more outgoing

不再浪费,懂得用利用生活中的东西。I do not waste any more, and make use of everything available around us.

利用身边的一切物品都可能创造出极大的财富. Everything available around us can be used to create great value.


老师们,这是我第一次接触这种课,你们成功的引起我的兴趣,我愿意作出一条接近完美的生产的生产链。〈老师不要骄傲哦〉instructors, this is my first time being exposed to this type of curriculum, and you have successfully aroused my interest. I'm very willing to make a good chain of production."

( 哈哈,怎么办,老师现在表示相当的骄傲😌  )

商赛是一门很有趣的课程,让我在玩游戏的过程中学习到了很多在商业中应该注意的事项,比如: 团队之间的合作、信任、倾听等。同时,也使我知道了关于商业的很多知识,我感到非常开心。Business contest is a very interesting subject; it allows me to learn many things we need pay attention to in business while playing such as teamwork, trust and listening. Meanwhile, it also helps me with many knowledge about business; i feel happy about that."

( 是不是比王者荣耀有用多了?🤓  )

商赛营让我明白了无论做什么商业,都不能以破坏环境为条件,而且哪怕只是身边的垃圾,只要会创新,就会成为一件好商品 The business contest camp let me know that no matter what kind of business I do, I shall not do it by consuming the environment around us. Even if the garbage around us, as long as it was treated creatively, it can be a good production."

(这位同学,相当有觉悟啊😎 ,老师表示很欣慰)

知道商业也能改变世界,打破了原先从商就是为了赚钱的理念,要想在社会创新上成功,必须要观察生活,从生活中发现问题和学习生活中的创新。Knowing that business can change the world breaks my previous idea about business that it's all about making money. If one wants to succeed in social innovation, he or she must pay attention to daily life, then find problems in daily life and learn to innovate in real life."

(很好,很有远见的感悟👍   )

原来我们天天都在浪费啊!!!So we were WASTING everyday before!!!

(额,你道出了真相😳  )



Eight teams, eight ideas for a social enterprise, and 4 days play-based learning.


Make a floating classroom or touristic attraction from plastic bottles, which can be also used as a shelter in case of disaster.


Eco-friendly wearable technology: Negative ion bracelet to monitor working people physical and mental health. Provides a real time observation of the body via the APP, and the bracelet part is made from recycled material. with the hand ring connection with APP to clients in real time observation, the bracelet is made from recycled material.


Design a smart water purifier tap, on the water purifier there will be an LED display, temperature monitoring and control, temperature alarm, water level control, water level monitoring and alarm, etc.


An advanced router that provides users with a fast network (5G) and is able to release radiation from other electronics


Collecting waste for upgrading and recycling, such as chopsticks recycling, making paper pulp for making paper; After the chopsticks are disinfected, they are processed by the machine to make a bookmark, etc.


A smart device for children and old people, which has a tracking function, information about the traffic and the road so the families can keep in touch and know about each other all the time, increase the safety of the family members.


Smart video call device bracelet, which can be used in case of absence of wifi and 4G as well. It can monitor the left-behind children heart rate. It is a combination of App and bracelet, the parents will be able to monitor the children and talk to them more often.

8. 利用废弃的塑料,废纸来制作工艺品和生活用品等。减少污染,节约能源。在我们获得利润的同时,我们会把一部分的利润捐赠于公益事业。

Use plastic and paper waste to make every day objects or artifacts. The goal is to decrease the waste and save resources. They also said that some of the profit they will make will be donated to an NPO





Learning is like a dissipating structure: to interact with the environment, to absorb information, and then to coordinate the info and make use of it. Learners transform and rebuild what they receive then they can create their own meaning of it.

To educate inextenso is to help the learners to go over themselves, but not only just to develop living skills. We hope Upbeing can help more students to go over themselves.


在 Upbeing 我们为学生们打造量身定制的社会创新项目,帮助学生在做中学,发掘自身潜能和天赋,提前探索自己未来的专业和职业,成为具有国际竞争力的创变者&斜杠青年。

At Upbeing we generate and scale up action in social innovation areas to accelerate progress towards a sustainable and fun society where we advocate achieving human's full potential.

