
(Bilingual)Play4Good | 过生日还在吹蜡烛许愿? 不如直接让梦想照进现实!

Have you ever had problem to think about a good activity for your kids’ birthday or play date? And you just went on the more traditional idea of birthday partylike activity which is fun and memorable. What if we say there is MORE to it, we can think about something more. What if we add a real social impact to it?

谁说庆祝生日就只能吃蛋糕吹蜡烛🎂 ,开派对🎉🎉🎉?



How to transform the birthday celebration into a fundraising activity and make a primary school student’s dream come true?

如何将生日的庆祝方式升级转化成一场筹款活动, 为落后地区的孩子筹集学习必需品?🤓

This student is a very special one; he realized that a simple act of kindness can have a huge impact on people's life. This special 3rd grade boy co-designed his fundraising birthday party with Upbeing team and even inspired his friends to join the project.

在Upbeing,就有这样一枚特殊的少年👦 ~,他意识到或许自己一个简单的善举就会对他人的生活产生积极的影响。 于是他加入到了Upbeing Play4Good项目中, 同Upbeing一同设计了爱心筹款生日派对,也因此吸引到了更多同伴的加入!

The project is called Play4Good

Which is based on the 3P model (Pay, Passion, Purpose)

Play4Good项目基于3P模型( (付出, 激情, 目标)

the student's hobby and passion



original improv-based show



fundraising for an NGO which distributes Ipads to underprivileged children


positive impact on the children and on the society 


First Upbeing facilitator offered a short-term training to the selected students. They learnt and practiced the basic skills of improvisation and during the rehearsals co-created an original play called iPadWonderland

Upbeing 给孩子们进行了一个短期的训练🤠,训练包括即兴表演技能,与此同时,孩子们在排练中共创出了一个原创戏剧:iPad Wonderland (iPad 梦游仙境)

The hero of the story is a small boy who had a car accident and when the doctors were doing surgery on him he fell asleep and found himself in the Ipad Wonderland. In this land everything was made of Ipads and special rules have to be followed, such as if you keep doing good deeds you will receive something you wish for. The boy only wish was to get back to his real world. But before that he had to find the Technoldrink which was guarded by the Black Hacker. He had friends such as Robot, Windy who helped him to achieve his goal. When he finally got back he realized it was just a dream and he survived the accident but he was extremely happy to see his friends all around him.he realized how lucky he is to have such an amazing friends and family. 

故事的主角是一个刚遭遇了一场车祸的小男孩, 当医生给他做手术的时候,他梦到自己进入了一个iPad仙境。 在这里,所有的东西都是iPad做成的, 并且有着一系列奇奇怪怪的规则,比如如果你坚持做好事,你就能梦想成真。

而这个小男孩唯一的梦想就是想要回到真实的世界。但是他必须要找到一种特殊的饮品(Technoldrink),而这个饮料被一个黑客守护着。 在小男孩的机器人朋友Windy的帮助下他获得了Technoldrink。而当他最终回去的时候,他意识到那只是一个梦境,而手术也很成功,他活了下来,当再次见到自己亲朋好友的时候,他意识到自己原来拥有者如此美好的生活。”

"Could anything be better than this? Waking up everyday knowing that lots of people are smiling because you chose to impact lives, making the world a better place. "

还有比这更美好的事么? 看到自己给到他人带去更多积极的影响,让这个世界变得更美好。❤️

At the birthday party many vendors also showed up and all the proceeds from the sales will also go to the NGO which is supported by the student family.

So first there was a casual market upstairs and around 5 pm it was showtime.

在生日派对上, 也有许多人前来义卖,所有的收入将一并捐献给此次的公益计划。

First the trained kids led couple of improv games and after performed the original play.

The show was a big success and all the parents were super proud of their kids. Some of them said they have never ever seen such a meaningful and impactful birthday party.



The facilitation we have done in this project

1. Based on the student personal interest encouraged him to participate in the training and co-create the iriginal play.  The student could try out himself, gain some hands-on experience and enhanced self-confidence.


2. Each activity can develop the student’s associative thinking. The student had an opportunity to explore solutions from a different angle. Got a better understanding of the NGO world and the technology world.

The innovative "curriculum" based on the combination of project-based learning, real life scenarios helped the student to improve collaboration skills, improv skills, story-telling skills, public speaking skills, creativity

帮助学生发展联想力, 从各个不同的角度寻找解决方案。 并更好的理解NGO以及科技。


3.Creativity can open windows which you haven't even seen before. It can provide a different prospective to an existing problem. How can a 3rd grade boy create a real social impact.

This case could be even inspiring for big companies CSR managers. How you combine creativity, fun, social innovation and have a positive impact not only on your life but also on others around you, plus on the underprivileged people.


这对于大公司的CSR来说也会是一种启发, 将创造力,趣味性,社会创新相结合,给自己与他人带去积极的社会影响力。

4.We also have a reflection after the workshop. What are the takeaways? 


  • Keep iterating: do not chase perfection

  • Don't think too much just do it, be spontaneous, the best ideas come randomly

  • Always have a positive mindset, be open to other people's suggestion.

  • Facilitate co-creation and enhance collaboration skills

  • 不断迭代,而不是追求完美。

  • 行动比想法更重要,积极主动,好的点子会随之而来。

  • 积极的心态,对他人的建议保持开放心态

  • 引导共创并加强协作能力

 About (关于Play4Good) 

Do you also want your children to learn, develop new skills while playing or become a more sensitive and sustainable human? Are you looking for children’ activities which not only build character but  meanwhile do something meaningful?

如果你也希望自己孩子能够在玩耍的同时学习新知,发展新技能,同时成为一名更加负有同理心以及可持续发展的人,或许你可以考虑加入我们的Upbeing 项目。 

什么是Play4Good What is Play4Good

Play4Good is an initiative of Upbeing. Tailor-made activities based on the children hobby and interest. We design engaging and fun activities for children. They can explore, engage, co-create, unleash their imagination and cultivate their creative mindset, while nurturing sustainability and develop new soft skills. to play and learn through pretend play,

Play4Good 由 Upbeing发起, 基于学生的兴趣爱给予量身定制高度参与感以及有趣有意的活动,让学生可以去探索,参与,共创,发挥想象力,培养富有创造力,可持续发展力的心智。

收获 Benefits:

- Cultivate problem-solving skill and develop other soft-skill

- Build character through fun activities

- Improve collaborating skills and plant the seeds of an action taking mindset

- Learn about the world in a fun way and learn to synthesize

- Get better at communication in both languages (English and Chinese)

  • 培养解决问题能力

  • 通过有趣的活动培养良好的性格

  • 提高协作能力,行动力

  • 通过有趣有益的方式学习了解世界

  • 培养双语交流能力


国际竞争力 / 创变者 / 斜杠青年

International Competence / Global Changemaker / Slash 

在 Upbeing 我们为学生们打造量身定制的社会创新项目,帮助学生在做中学,发掘自身潜能和天赋,提前探索自己未来的专业和职业,成为具有国际竞争力的创变者&斜杠青年。

At Upbeing we generate and scale up action in social innovation areas to accelerate progress towards a sustainable and fun society where we advocate achieving human's full potential.

