
组队| 和菲律宾小姐姐一起线上共建社区网站

Andrea Lee Upbeing行动村 2023-06-04

发起人:Andrea Lee
发起时间:2020 年 6 月 28 日
项目类型:社区与社群, 文化,艺术


Every year, millions of people from China travel all over the world. At the same time, millions of people all from over the world travel to China. Before COVID-19, traveling to a new country and immersing yourself in new cultures has never been easier.


However, in this current pandemic, none of us can go anywhere beyond our own cities, towns, and backyards. What we can do, though, is approach our own communities as if we were tourists: with fresh eyes and a will to rediscover the richness of local life.




In increasingly digital times, a website is the perfect platform for sharing information and building community. This will be a project which can be conducted both in Dinghai and remotely.



The Dinghai Voice will aim to create an interactive website which raises cultural and historical awareness about the Dinghai community, highlights local events and businesses, and introduces the Dinghai community to a local and foreign audience. A template will also be created so we can crowdsource entries from the Dinghai community to be published on the website as articles or events on a community calendar.


The end goal of this project is not only to build a website, but also eventually create a template for others to use to develop this type of website for their own communities. Hopefully contributing to features on the website and reading others’ stories will help people gain (or regain) curiosity and love for their community, spurring them to take action towards local social issues.



ABOUT ME 关于发起人

I’m Andrea (you can also call me 李真君), a rising sophomore at Yale University who hails from the Philippines. I’m studying political science and history, particularly interested in transpacific studies, migration, and alternative models of development. This summer, I was supposed to study abroad in China. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic,  I am instead studying Mandarin through online courses on a fellowship from my university.



-       Willingness to communicate in English and Chinese 愿意用中英文交流

-       Time commitment: Project will last until the end of July 时间承诺:项目将持续到7月底

-       Useful (although not necessarily required) Skills: Photography, interviewing in local dialects, writing of articles, graphic design/website building



1. Building a team 组队

2. Deciding on a Digital Platform and Designing the Website  确定建站平台

3. Producing Website Content 制作网站内容

4. Creating templates for future contributions + tool-kit  制作建站工具包

5. Sharing and publicizing the website 上线





“行动学习的基础设施” 行动村是什么?


