
[German Chamber‘s Update] Request for Medical Supplies

中国德国商会 中国德国商会GermanChamberNorth 2021-01-27

Dear Members and friends of the German Chamber,

作为德国最大的贸易伙伴,中国正在遭受严重的疫情。为了更好地帮助中国政府抗击新冠肺炎,AHK Greater China向全球德国企业发出号召,开展捐助活动并征集相关医疗物资。

As China is experiencing a severe coronavirus outbreak, there is a shortage of medical supplies. If your company would like to help, the AHK Greater China assists you in connecting you to the relevant hospitals/organizations. You can either donate OR supply the medical supplies.

医疗物资捐赠 | Donation of Medical Supplies

目前所需医疗物资如下 | Currently required medical supplies are as follows:

1. 医用防护口罩 | Medical protective masks 

型号 | Model: N95, GB19083-2010, etc.

2. 医用外科口罩 | Medical surgical masks

型号 | Model: YY0469-2011, etc. (e.g.: 3M 1860/1870/9132)

3. 医用一次性防护服 | Disposable protective clothing for medical use

型号 | Model: DuPont TYVEK800, etc.

4. 二级以上医用护目镜 | Class II or above medical goggles

型号 | Model: 3M 1623, GA500, etc.


Please contact us if you would like to donate these medical supplies. We will assist you to contact the hospitals that are in need (such as Wuhan Union Hospital, the Central Hospital of Wuhan, Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital, etc.) and answer related questions.

医疗物资采购 | Procurement of Medical Supplies

如果贵公司可提供上述(或类似的)产品,AHK Greater China还将协助贵公司联系中国的公益组织,他们会在专业机构评估后与你们联系采购相关产品并免费捐赠给有需要的医院。

(备注:AHK Greater China只负责收集相关信息并汇总,相关采购及后续事宜由相关的公益组织自行决定)

If your company can provide the above (or similar) products, AHK Greater China assists your company in connecting you to Chinese non-profit organizations. They will purchase related products from you, and after evaluation by professional agencies they will donate the products to hospitals in need.

(Note: AHK Greater China is only responsible for information gathering and aggregation. Relevant procurement and subsequent matters are determined by relevant non-profit organizations.)


If you would like to either donate or supply the above medical items, please provide us with the following information:

品名 | Product name:

品牌 | Brand:

型号 | Model:

库存量 | Inventory:

预购售价 | Preorder price:

计价货币 | Pricing currency:

To better track donations from German companies, we have been asked by the relevant authorities to collect donation information from member companies. If your company has made a donation, please send the following details, or related press releases: 

1. Date of the donation

2. Beneficiary of the donation

3. Donation details (supplies items and amount, or cash amount)


1. 捐赠日期

2. 捐赠渠道

3. 捐赠内容(款项或物资总数)

联系方式 | Please contact us: 

北京 | Beijing

李季先生 | Mr. Ji LI

电邮 | E-mail: li.ji@bj.china.ahk.de

上海 | Shanghai

朱晶晶女士 | Ms. Daisy ZHU

电邮 | E-mail: zhu.jingjing@sh.china.ahk.de


广州 | Guangzhou

徐晶波先生 | Mr. Jingbo XU

电邮 | E-mail: xu.jingbo@gz.china.ahk.de

如果贵公司有捐款意愿,我们建议您联系中华慈善总会 (www.chinacharityfederation.org)

If your company would like to donate money, we recommend to do so through China Charity Federation (www.chinacharityfederation.org):  


1. 开户单位:中华慈善总会

帐号:0200 0028 0901 4450 409


2. 开户单位:中华慈善总会

帐号:1102 0101 04000 8379


Donation Account (Overseas):

Account Name: China Charity Federation

Bank Name: Bank of China

Bank Address: Head Office (No.1 Fu Xing Men Nei Street, Beijing, China)

Account Number: 778350015925


Please make sure to regularly check our website for newest information. 


Thank you very much for your support!

Stay informed, stay healthy!

Your AHK Greater China Team

All information have been compiled to the best of our knowledge and belief. We take no responsibility for the correctness displayed in external information.

