
Huili's scholarship programmes are open for application

上海惠立学校 上海惠立学校 2022-07-15

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Huili School Shanghai is proud to see so many pupils benefitting from our holistic model of education as they strive for excellence in academics, the arts and sports.

In the spirit of giving back to society that which was gained from it, we launched the Huili Academic Scholarship Programme in 2020 and the Huili Shuping Scholarship Programme in 2021. We also offer the HATS (Highly Able and Talented Students) programme for pupils applying to prestigious universities around the world.

We hope these scholarships will open a door for exceptional pupils to explore a wider world and create more possibilities for them to live the Huili Values.

The Huili Academic Scholarship Programme

Young pupils have boundless potential. In our inclusive environment, their progress is clear. We aim to offer such pupils the opportunity to follow their dreams and achieve excellence. 

Our Academic Scholarship Programme is for pupils entering grade 6 and above. Upon evaluation and approval by the Huili Scholarship Committee, scholarship recipients are awarded up to 50% of their annual tuition. Eligible candidates demonstrate excellent overall performance in school.

HATS Programme

Our HATS programme is for pupils in grade 8 and above. This programme helps pupils aspiring to attend Oxford and Cambridge in the UK and Ivy League schools in the US by providing them with additional support, mentoring and guidance. These universities have rigorous application processes, and HATS makes sure they are prepared.  

HATS pupils are provided with a mentor from our Senior Leadership or High School Leadership Team. Mentoring sessions are very much pupil-led. They decide which aspects of their school performance or the university application they wish to focus on. Mentors advise them on issues they encounter in daily life, such as relationships, interests and careers.

As a result, mentors gain a deeper understanding of each pupils’ unique potential so they can help pupils forge a path that aligns with their attributes and values.

The opportunities that we provide through the Huili HATS programme are also available to the wider community. We expect a little bit more from the pupils in the programme, so they participate in pupil-led activities and external competitions. This builds their character as well as their CV.

The Huili Shuping Scholarship Programme

The Shuping Scholarship is the highest-level scholarship offered at Wellington College China schools. It was created to give outstanding working-class pupils the opportunity to receive top-quality bilingual education. Through scholarship support, we hope to create educational opportunities for more talented pupils from diverse economic backgrounds. We also hope that this will foster in our pupils a sense of how important it is to live in a diverse society.

The scholarship is for exceptional pupils in grade 8 or above and provides full coverage of tuition, meals, uniforms and other fees, making it essentially a ‘110% scholarship’.

Recipients whose academic results and conduct meet the scholarship’s requirements upon enrolment may reapply for the scholarship each year until they graduate from High School. This means that outstanding scholars can receive up to one million yuan in scholarship aid during their time at Huili.

In addition to our scholarships, Huili also provides comprehensive admissions and career guidance to all recipients, helping them to achieve academic excellence.

Huili School Shanghai's 2022-2023 scholarship programmes are now open for external application. Please scan the QR code below to apply. Please email admissions.hss@huilieducation.cn if you have any questions.

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