




  • 仲裁庭的性别多样性正在提高,在过去4年中翻了一番,这主要得益于仲裁机构为任命更多女性仲裁员所做的努力。即便如此,2019年被任命的全部仲裁员中,女性仲裁员的比例仅略高于21%,尚有改进空间。

  • 最大的改进空间在于当事人及其代理人。2019年,34%仲裁机构指定的仲裁员以及21.5%仲裁员联合指定的仲裁员为女性,而由当事人选定的女性仲裁员比例仅为13.9%。

  • 仲裁用户已经有了一些提升仲裁庭性别多样性的方法,其他方法也在发展之中。这些方法包括:

    • 具有资质的女性仲裁员数据库,以供律师选择

    • 克服潜在意识偏见的建议

    • 客户及资助者可以要求国际仲裁性别多样性的方法

    • 为具有资质的女性提供推广和扩展其资质的机会

    • 为缺乏经验但有志于提升职业空间的女性律师提供建议

    • 为雇主就如何培养和提升女性雇员才能提供建议


Sarah Grimmer,HKIAC秘书长

我十分赞赏工作组的杰出工作,这包括全球领先的仲裁机构、仲裁平等代表权承诺(ERA)、仲裁女性(ArbitralWomen)、三冠律师事务所(Three Crowns LLP)、伟凯律师事务所(White & Case LLP)、国际商事仲裁理事会(ICCA)及其他机构共同合作编写了第一份关于女性在国际仲裁中的成就的全面报告,并对我们如何向前迈进提出了设想。我非常感谢大家的努力,并相信此报告将在这个重要问题上产生影响。

Carolyn Lamm,工作组主席

工作组包括来自以下机构的代表:仲裁女性(ArbitralWomen);美国律师协会(ABA);伯福德资本(Burford Capital);仲裁平等代表权承诺(ERA);富而德律师事务所(Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP);德国仲裁院(DIS);香港国际仲裁中心(HKIAC);国际律师协会(IBA);国际投资争端解决中心(ICSID);国际商会仲裁院(ICC);国际商事仲裁理事会(ICCA);国际争议解决中心(ICDR);伦敦国际仲裁院(LCIA);斯德哥尔摩商会仲裁院(SCC);三冠律师事务所(Three Crowns LLP);悉尼大学(the University of Sydney);维也纳国际仲裁中心(VIAC);以及伟凯律师事务所(White & Case LLP)。
工作组对上述所有成员、对所有接受工作组采访提供其观点的女性仲裁员、对独立仲裁员LucyGreenwood、对为本报告提供近年数据的PluriCourts Investment Arbitration Database (PITAD) 表示感谢。

Cross-Institutional Task Force Report on Gender Diversity in Arbitral Appointments and Proceedings

The Cross-Institutional Task Force on Gender Diversity in Arbitral Appointments and Proceedings (Task Force) is pleased to announce the release of its Report on Gender Diversity in Arbitral Appointments and Proceedings (Report), the eighth volume of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) Reports Series.

HKIAC is pleased to be part of the Task Force, assembled in 2019, which brings together representatives of 18 leading international arbitration institutions, gender diversity initiatives and law firms to publish and analyse recent statistics on the appointment of female arbitrators, as well as to identify opportunities and best practices to promote gender diversity in international arbitration.

Key outcomes:

  • Gender diversity in arbitral tribunals is increasing and has doubled over the past four years, mostly as a result of the efforts of arbitral institutions to appoint more female arbitrators.  However, in 2019 women still comprise just over 21% of all arbitrator appointees. There is room for improvement.

  • The greatest opportunity for improvement lies with parties and the counsel that represent them.  In 2019, 34% of institutional appointments were female and 21.5% of appointments by co-arbitrators were female, whereas only 13.9% of party-appointments were female.

  • The tools available for arbitration users to address gender diversity in arbitral tribunals already exist and more are being developed. They include:

    • Databases of qualified female candidates for counsel to choose from

    • Tips for addressing unconscious bias

    • Ways in which clients and funders can require diversity in international arbitration

    • Opportunities for qualified women to promote and market their credentials

    • Advice for less experienced female lawyers who wish to progress their careers

    • Advice for employers on how to grow and promote their female talent

HKIAC Secretary-General, Sarah Grimmer, states: “At HKIAC, we realise that there is a lot we can do towards the better representation of women in arbitration - from implementing internal processes so that we actively identify qualified women for arbitrator appointments to providing platforms on which we regularly showcase female talent. Contributing to the important work of this ICCA Taskforce is a further expression of our commitment in this area.

Chair of the Task Force, Carolyn Lamm, states: “I applaud the outstanding work of the Task Force including the leading arbitral institutions worldwide, the Pledge, ArbitralWomen,Three Crowns, White & Case, Freshfields, ICCA and so many others who collaborated to prepare what is a first comprehensive Report of its kind on the progress of women in international arbitration, and which shares a vision for how we move forward. I am tremendously grateful for everyone’s efforts and am confident the Report will make a difference on this issue of importance."

The Task Force includes representatives of the following organisations: ArbitralWomen; the American Bar Association (ABA); Burford Capital; the Equal Representation in Arbitration Pledge (ERA); Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP; the German Arbitration Institute (DIS); the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC); the International Bar Association (IBA); the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID); the International Chamber of Commerce International Court of Arbitration (ICC); the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA); the International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR); the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA); the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC); Three Crowns LLP; the University of Sydney; the Vienna International Arbitral Centre (VIAC); and White & Case LLP.

The Task Force extends its thanks to its members listed above, the female arbitrators who agreed to be interviewed by the Task Force to provide their insights and perspectives, as well as independent arbitrator Lucy Greenwood and the PluriCourts Investment Arbitration Database (PITAD), who contributed data on arbitral appointmentsin recent years to the Report.

To access the Report, please click "Read More".






