
一周立法最新双语动态,我们来了! 第91期

北大法宝 2021-11-10

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Five Ministries Jointly Issue Opinions on Punishing Illegal Behaviour and Crimes Involving Disturbing Frontier Health and Quarantine by Law

2.3月16日起所有境外进京人员将被集中隔离观察14天 费用自理

Starting on March 16 All Overseas Individuals Entering Beijing Will be Subject to 14-day Centralized Quarantine and Observation, the Expense of which Shall Be Born by the Individuals 



19 Measures Issued to Promote Capacity Expansion and Quality Improvement of Consumption



Two Departments: Public Institutions Mainly Recruit College Graduates for Their Post Vacancies This Year and the Following Year



State Council Releases Decision Regarding Authorizing and Entrusting the Right of Approval of Land Use



Measures Released for Administration of Posts, Ranks and Levels of Civil Servants



Five Ministries Jointly Issue Opinions on Punishing Illegal Behaviour and Crimes Involving Disturbing Frontier Health and Quarantine by Law 


On March 16, 2020, the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Justice, and the General Administration of Customs jointly issued the Opinions Regarding Further Strengthening the Work of Frontier Health and Quarantine as well as Punishing Illegal Behaviour and Crimes Involving Disturbing Frontier Health and Quarantine by Law (hereinafter the ‘Opinions’)


1. 检疫传染病染疫人或者染疫嫌疑人拒绝执行海关依照国境卫生检疫法等法律法规提出的健康申报、体温监测、医学巡查、流行病学调查、医学排查、采样等卫生检疫措施,或者隔离、留验、就地诊验、转诊等卫生处理措施的。

2. 检疫传染病染疫人或者染疫嫌疑人采取不如实填报健康申明卡等方式隐瞒疫情,或者伪造、涂改检疫单、证等方式伪造情节的。

3. 知道或者应当知道实施审批管理的微生物、人体组织、生物制品、血液及其制品等特殊物品可能造成检疫传染病传播,未经审批仍逃避检疫,携运、寄递出入境的。

4. 出入境交通工具上发现有检疫传染病染疫人或者染疫嫌疑人,交通工具负责人拒绝接受卫生检疫或者拒不接受卫生处理的。

5. 来自检疫传染病流行国家、地区的出入境交通工具上出现非意外伤害死亡且死因不明的人员,交通工具负责人故意隐瞒情况的。

6. 其他拒绝执行海关依照国境卫生检疫法等法律法规提出的检疫措施的。

According to the Opinions, people refusing the health checks or falsifying health statement cards while entering China will be identified as committing the crime of disturbing frontier health and quarantine. The Opinions enumerate six types of acts that hinder frontier health and quarantine, including:

1. People with quarantinable infectious diseases or those suspected to have such diseases refusing to implement health quarantine measures such as health declaration, temperature checking, medical inspection, epidemiological investigation, medical screening and sampling, or isolation, detention, local examination, referral and other sanitary treatment measures that have been proposed by customs in accordance with laws and regulations, such as the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law.

2. People with quarantinable infectious diseases or those suspected to have such diseases hiding epidemic information by inaccurately reporting health statement cards, and other methods, or by falsifying quarantine forms such as counterfeiting or altering quarantine forms or quarantine certificates.

3. Entry-exit transport or posting without approval of special articles such as microorganisms, human tissue, biological products, blood, and their products, that may cause the spread of quarantinable infectious diseases, by those who know or ought to know that such items may cause spread of quarantinable infectious diseases but still evade quarantine.

4. Refusal of quarantine or sanitation measures by the person in charge of a vehicle which is transporting people with quarantinable infectious diseases or suspected epidemic victims.

5. Concealment of non-accidental deaths with unknown causes on public transport by the person in charge of such transport, when the vehicle is from a region or country where an infectious disease is rampant.

6. Other refusals to implement quarantine measures proposed by customs in accordance with laws and regulations, such as the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law. 

2.3月16日起所有境外进京人员将被集中隔离观察14天 费用自理

Starting on March 16 All Overseas Individuals Entering Beijing Will be Subject to 14-day Centralized Quarantine and Observation, the Expense of which Shall Be Born by the Individuals 


On March 15th, a press conference regarding epidemic prevention and control of COVID-19 in Beijing was held, stating that overseas individuals have become the main risk for the epidemic prevention and control in Beijing, so more strict prevention and control measures should be taken in Beijing. 


First, all international, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan inbound flights will stop at the T3-D disposal area of the Capital Airport from now on. The airport will implement remote control, near screening, scientific treatment, transfer of responsibility and closed-loop management. The inbound inspection and quarantine work should be comprehensively strengthened in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. All-individual, full-item, electronic, and traceable information management should be implemented to form a comprehensive, full-chain, fully closed-loop and three-dimensional prevention and control system.


Second, centralized quarantine measures should be fully implemented to maximize control of the source of infection and cut off transmission channels. From 00:00 on March 16, all overseas passengers entering Beijing should be transferred to a centralized observation point for 14-day quarantine and observation. In special cases, they may be observed at home after a strict assessment. During the centralized quarantine and observation period, those who are quarantined should bear their own expenses.


Third, those who misreport information, conceal illness or cause the spread of the epidemic should be held accountable in accordance with laws and regulations and be included in the credit system.



19 Measures Issued to Promote Capacity Expansion and Quality Improvement of Consumption


Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and 22 other departments jointly issued the Implementation Opinions Regarding Promotion of Capacity Expansion and Quality Improvement of Consumption to Accelerate the Formation of a Strong Domestic Market (hereinafter the ‘Opinions’).


With a total of 19 articles, the Opinions promote capacity expansion and quality improvement of consumption in six areas, namely market supply, consumption upgrading, consumption network, consumption ecology, consumption capacity and consumption environment. 

First, the domestic market supply should be vigorously optimized, the competitiveness of domestic goods and services should be comprehensively improved, the establishment of independent brands should be strengthened, the supply of imported goods should be improved, and the duty-free industry policy should be further improved. 

Second, there should be promotion of the upgrade of cultural tourism and leisure consumption as a key issue, cultural tourism products should be enriched, the environment for inbound tourism and shopping should be improved, and cultural tourism promotion models should be innovated. 

Third, there should be focus on the construction of urban-rural integrated consumption networks, consumption centers should be built in conjunction with the regional development layout, the layout of urban and rural commercial outlets should be optimized, and construction of a consumer logistics infrastructure should be strengthened. 

Fourth, the construction of a "smart +" consumption ecosystem should be sped up, the construction of a new generation of information infrastructure should be accelerated, the development of new consumption models of online and offline integration should be encouraged, the use of green smart products should be encouraged, and the "Internet + social service" consumption model should be vigorously developed. 

Fifth, there should be continued improvement of the consumption capacity of residents, the income of key groups should be promoted to stimulate consumption potential, and the property income of residents should be stabilized and increased. 

Sixth, a reliable consumer environment should be comprehensively built, the market order supervision should be strengthened, the construction of a credit system in the consumer sector should be actively promoted, and channels for protection of consumer rights should be unblocked.



Two Departments: Public Institutions Mainly Recruit College Graduates for Their Post Vacancies This Year and the Following Year


On March 11, the General Office of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security released the Notice Regarding Public Recruitment of College Graduates by Public Institutions to Cope with the Impact of COVID-19 (hereinafter the ‘Notice’). 


The Notice mainly proposes specific measures from four aspects to promote the recruitment of college graduates. The first aspect regards increase in public recruitment of college graduates by public institutions. The second aspect regards early release of recruitment announcements and expansion of the scope of information release. The third aspect regards guidance and encouragement for college graduates to work in grassroots public institutions in struggling and remote areas. The fourth aspect regards guidance and encouragement for college graduates to participate in the grassroots service project plan of assistance in agriculture, education and health care and poverty alleviation.


The Notice requires that post vacancies in public institutions both this year and the following year should be mainly set aside for special recruitment of college graduates (including college graduates who have not yet secured a job in a unit during their career selection period) to provide more employment opportunities for college graduates. Meanwhile, focus should be placed on the employment of college graduates in Hubei Province, and targeted efforts to increase employment assistance should be strengthened. It is made clear that public institutions in Hubei can conduct special recruitment for graduates of colleges in Hubei or college graduates with a registered residence in Hubei.



State Council Releases Decision Regarding Authorizing and Entrusting the Right of Approval of Land Use


On March 12, 2020, the State Council issued the Decision Regarding Authorizing and Entrusting the Right of Approval of Land Use (hereinafter the ‘Decision’).


The Decision mainly includes: (1) Land intended to be used for farm use other than permanent basic farmland previously authorized by the State Council will become approval matters for the approval of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities; (2) Repurposing of permanent basic farmland as construction land and land acquisition approval matters previously approved by the State Council are entrusted to the People's governments of some provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities to approve; (3) The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities should not re-authorize or re-entrust the right of approval of land use. 



Measures Released for Administration of Posts, Ranks and Levels of Civil Servants 


Recently, the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee issued the Measures for Administration of Posts, Ranks and Levels of Civil Servants, effective from the date of issuance (hereinafter the ‘Measures’).


According to the Measures, the corresponding relationships between the gradations of leading posts of civil servants and levels are: (1) chief positions at the state level: first level; (2) deputy positions at the state level: fourth level to second level; (3) chief positions at the provincial and ministerial level: eighth level to fourth level; (4)  deputy positions at the provincial and ministerial level: tenth level to sixth level; (5) chief positions at the department and bureau level: thirteenth level to eighth level; (6) deputy positions at the department and bureau level: fifteenth level to tenth level; (7) chief positions at the county and director level: eighteenth level to twelfth level; (8) deputy positions at the county and director level: twentieth level to fourteenth level; (9) chief positions at the township and section level: twenty-second level to sixteenth level; (10) deputy positions at the township and section level: twenty-fourth level to seventeenth level.


本文来源 | 北大法律信息网




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