
Legislative Updates (Issue 51) | 法宝双语新闻

Mani 北大法律信息网 2020-09-20





1. 15部门联合发布投资审批事项清单



1. List of Examination and Approval Items for Investment Projects Issued

Recently, 15 departments including the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued the List of Unified Names and Application Materials for the Items Subject to Examination and Approval Administration on the Online Approval, and Supervision Platform for National Investment Projects.

The List contains 42 items for approval, confirmation, and recordation required to be handled before the commencement of the current various investment projects and 258 items of application materials to be submitted for review, and elaborates on their respective project types and applicable circumstances.

2. 《关于2019年进一步提升小微企业金融服务质效的通知》发布





2. Notice on Further Enhancing the Quality and Efficiency of Financial Services for Micro and Small Enterprises in 2019 Issued

On March 4, 2019, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC) issued the Notice on Further Enhancing the Quality and Efficiency of Financial Services for Micro and Small Enterprises in 2019.

The Notice sets a series of objectives for credit offering, cost management, and risk management and control. As for credit offering, the objective should be achieved that the growth rate of inclusive loans for small and micro enterprises with a total credit line for each single client is 10 million yuan or less is not lower than the growth rate of other various loans, and the number of micro and small enterprises receiving loans is not lower than the figure over the same period of the last year, and in particular,  five large banks are required to maximize their “head geese” effect in the industry so that the overall balance of inclusive loans for micro and small enterprises may increase by more than 30% compared with the beginning of the year.

As for cost management, the Notice requires banks to maintain a balance between “quantity” and “price”, consolidate the work of reducing charges and giving profits in 2018, continue to maintain the rate for inclusive loans for small and micro enterprises at a reasonable level this year, and strictly control interest rate pricing for inclusive loans for small and micro enterprises using the PBC's re-loans in support of micro and small enterprises or on-lending funds of policy banks, or guaranteed by governmental financing guarantee companies.

As for risk management and control, the Notice proposes that, under the premise that the credit risk of micro and small enterprises is generally controllable at present, the tolerance of non-performing loans for small and micro enterprises should be relaxed to not higher than three percentage points of the non-performing ratio of various loans.

3. 外商投资法获通过




3. Foreign Investment Law Adopted

On March 15, 2019, the Foreign Investment Law of the People's Republic of China passed the 2nd Session of the Thirteenth National People's Congress, effective from January 1, 2020.

With a total of 42 articles in six chapters, the Foreign Investment Law includes General Provisions, Investment Promotion, Investment Protection, Investment Administration, Legal Liability, and Supplemental Provisions. The General Provisions clarify that the state applies the administrative system of pre-establishment national treatment and negative list to foreign investment, and cancels the case-by-case approval system.

The Law strengthens the protection of rights and interests for foreign investment in a multi-angle way in a bid to promote the investment facilitation. A separate chapter with eight articles is devoted to investment protection, under which it is required to protect the lawful rights and interests of owners of intellectual property rights and relevant right holders, prohibit the act of forcing any technology transfer by administrative means, and establish a working mechanism for complaints of foreign-funded enterprises. Pursuant to the Law, the state's various policies to support the development of enterprises should equally apply to foreign-funded enterprises according to the law; the state should establish and improve a foreign investment service system, and guarantee that foreign-funded enterprises equally participate in standard development work and government procurement activities through fair completion according to the law; and a foreign-funded enterprise may conduct financing according to the law by means such as the public offering of stock, corporate bond, and other securities.

4. 最高法发布五五改革纲要

2019年 2月27日,最高人民法院发布《最高人民法院关于深化人民法院司法体制综合配套改革的意见——人民法院第五个五年改革纲要(2019—2023)》。



4. SPC Issues the Fifth Five-Year Reform Outline

On February 27, 2019, the Supreme People's Court (SPC) issued the Opinions of the Supreme People's Court on Deeping Comprehensive Ancillary Reform of Judicial System of People's Courts—The Fifth Five-Year Reform Outline for People's Courts (2019-2023)。

The Fifth Five-Year Reform Outline consists of general requirements, main contents, and organization and implementation, puts the party's political construction in the first place, and sets forth specific requirements such as strengthening the organizational leadership, enhancing primary responsibilities, making scientific and careful arrangements, and reinforcing the public opinion guidance. With a total of 65 reform measures in ten aspects, the Outline aims to promote the fair, effective and authoritative judicial system of socialism with Chinese characteristics in being more mature and better shaped, by scientifically establishing ten systems including the system of adhering to the Party's leadership, the system of serving and safeguarding the general situation, and the people-centered litigation service system.

The Outline emphasizes “comprehensive supporting reform”, and thus attaches importance to the integrity, systematicness, and synergy of reform. With respect to the improvement of the organizational and functional system of the people's courts, it is proposed to optimize the positioning of the functions of the four-level courts, deepen the reform of judicial jurisdiction system which is properly separated from the administrative divisions, and deepen the reform of the organizational structure of the people's courts. Meanwhile, the Outline also responds to such issues as the election, exchange, withdrawal mechanism, and supporting living benefits for judges within the quota, and the career development plans for trial supporting personnel and administrative judicial personnel, in order to ensure that all kinds of personnel in people's courts have specific division of functions, clear career prospects, and reliable occupation guarantees.

5. 证监会规范科创板创新试点红筹企业财务信息披露





5. CSRC to Regulate Financial Information Disclosure of Red Chip Enterprises Under Innovation Pilot Program on Science and Technology Innovation Board

On March 8, 2019, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) issued the Preparation Rules for Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 24—Special Provisions on the Financial Report Information of Red Chip Enterprises Covered by the Pilot Program of Innovation on the Science and Technology Innovation Board, which came into force on the date of issuance.

According to the Provisions, the financial report information disclosed by a red-chip enterprise may be prepared according to Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises of China or its equivalent recognized by the Ministry of Finance, or the International Financial Reporting Standards or the US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), in which case the information on the difference adjustment made according to China's Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises should be provided.

A red chip company should clearly indicate the type of accounting standards adopted in the disclosure of financial report information. Where a red chip enterprise prepares a financial report in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises of China when it applies for the domestic public offering of stocks or depositary receipts within China for the first time, it may not change the financial report after being listed within China.

A red chip enterprise that offers stocks or depositary receipts to the public within China should clarify the accounting year or period in the offering and listing arrangements, and should not alter it without approval once determined.




Legislative Updates (Issue 50) 

Legislative Updates (Issue 46) 

Legislative Updates (Issue 45) 



