

徽剑 2023-07-30

You have your type of democracy. we have our type of democracy. 

你们有你们的民主, 我们有我们的民主。

We lifted millions if not all of our population out of poverty. You created millions of unemployed and homeless. 

就算不是全部, 我们使成百成千万人口摆脱了贫困。你创造了数百万的失业者和无家可归者。

We controlled and eradicated Covid. You let Covid devastate you. 

我们控制并消灭了新冠病毒, 你让病毒毁掉国家。

Your infrastructures are at least 30 to 40 years old. 


We build and provide cheap and affordable housing for the people. You build houses but the economic situation that you are in now resulted in more foreclosures (people giving up) than people buying. 

我们为人民建造, 提供廉价到负担得起的住房。你建了房子, 但你现在的经济状况是更多的人供不起房子被银行封屋, (人们放弃)而不是人们购买.

We don't have homeless people sleeping in the street. You have plenty sleeping all over the place. 

我们没有无家可归者, 你们满街流浪汉。

Our people have sufficient good food to eat. You too have food but the people have no money to buy food and have to rely on Govt Food stamps to pay for their food. 


We have very little crime rate. You have one of the highest crime rate in the world which keeps your police very busy。

我们罪案率极低, 你们罪案率全球最高令警察疲于奔命。

We have affordable health insurance and health care. Your health care is so out of reach such that the average household could not afford to fall sick。

我们有人人负担得起的医疗保险, 你们医疗昂贵得没有人有能力负担。

Our people are united behind us. Your people are divided behind you。

我们国民团结一致, 你们社会正在撕裂。

Our democratic systems are quite difference. Ours can deliver the goods. Yours make you indebted. 

我们有不同的民主观念, 我们主力生产, 你们负债累累。

Why must you make us follow your way or running the country!?





美国人说:阿拉斯加中美会谈 —— 美国蒙受的奇耻大辱

