
Webinar丨June 7: Cross-border transfer of employee data

君合市场部 君合法律评论 2023-05-25


The June 1, 2023 effective date on rules for using standard contracts to transfer personal data outside of China has clarified how many employers may comply with personal data export requirements. Still, navigating the rules will likely be challenging for many employers wanting to process overseas the personal data of their employees who are working in China.

Among the issues that will be discussed at this webinar:

• What is the cross-border data transfer of employee personal data?

• What are the three mechanisms for employers to legally transfer employee data outside of China?

• Which employers can use the standard contract method to legally transfer employee data outside of China?

• How can employers adopt the standard contract to export employee data? What are the timelines, procedures, and documentary requirements?

• How do employers conduct personal information protection impact assessments?

• Is employee consent required for the export of their personal data?

• What are the key differences between the GDPR standard contractual clauses and China’s standard contract? 

Wang Dongpeng, Jane Lu, and Jeffrey Wilson will discuss these issues from the legal and practical points of view drawing on JunHe’s experience handling recent cases assisting employers to comply with data export requirements.   

The webinar will be conducted in English. A summary of key points of the discussion will be distributed after the event. 



7 June 2023(Wednesday)


16:00-17:00 (China Time)


 Li Xinyu


021 2283 8222






China Legal Counsel Alliance


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Wang Dongpeng


Mr. Wang joined JunHe in 2001 and has over 20 years of experience practicing the full range of PRC labor and employment law. He frequently advises clients on legal issues relating to trade secret protection and employee personal data protection. He is currently assisting multiple multinational companies to develop compliance structures regarding China’s new requirements on the protection of employee personal data.

He has assisted clients to conduct overall self-assessments on numerous types of processing of employee personal data in order to comply with PIPL requirements. He has also advised clients on multiple issues concerning cross-border transfer of employee personal data including the government security assessment and the standard contract for cross-border transfer.    

He is a graduate of University of Manchester and the People’s University of China

Jane Lu

Senior Associate

Ms. Lu joined JunHe’s labor and employment practice in 2011. She has advised both domestic and well-known international clients on a variety of contentious and non-contentious PRC labor and employment law, as well as data privacy and security law issues. She has a particular expertise in assisting companies with HR related personal data compliance and handling the government security assessment and the standard contract for cross-border data transfers.

She holds an LL.M from the College of William and Mary School of Law, Virginia, United States and an LL.B., from the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics School of Law. In 2018, she also spent three months on secondment at A&L Goodbody in Ireland, focusing on GDPR.

Jeffrey Wilson

Counsel (moderator)

Jeffrey Wilson is counsel in JunHe’s labor and employment practice group and is based at the firm’s Shanghai office.

He has more than 20 years of experience advising employers in China. He speaks and writes regularly on China labor and employment issues. He received his JD and MA in Chinese studies from the University of Washington.


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