
顶级高技派事务所的中国实践 | 专访RSHP合伙人Richard Paul (下篇)

那小海 青年建筑 2021-09-21


The interview is divided into 2 parts. 

This is Part 2.


英国顶级建筑事务所的10条设计准则 | 专访RSHP合伙人Richard Paul (上篇)

罗杰斯 史达克 哈伯有限责任合伙事务所的前身是1977年创立的理查德 罗杰斯合伙事务所。通过多年的发展,于2007年更名,以肯定和感谢Graham Stirk(英国伦敦列敦贺大厦写字楼的主创)和Ivan Harbour(斯特林奖获奖作品,铭琪西伦敦中心项目的主创)的杰出贡献。

Rogers Stirk Harbour+Partners (RSHP) was founded as the Richard Rogers Partnership in 1977 but over time evolved and in 2007 the decision was made to rename the firm Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners to reflect the vital contributions of Graham Stirk, designer of the iconic Leadenhall Building, and Ivan Harbour, designer of the Stirling prize winning West London Maggie’s Centre. 


Richard Paul has wide-ranging international experience as a Partner with Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners and managing large architectural teams on major schemes worldwide. He has been key to the development and delivery of the practice’s projects in Asia and is currently working on a number of schemes in China and USA.


Richard was previously board director of Foster + Partners and worked on the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank Headquarters in Hong Kong where he also lived for a number of years.

关于理查德 保罗个人的设计理念

About Richard Paul's design philosophy



Would you share with us a few projects to illustrate your own design philosophy?

 波茨坦广场项目 Potsdamer Platz @RSHP

波茨坦广场老照片 historical shot of Potsdamer Platz

理查德 保罗:波茨坦广场项目是1990年代我们在柏林参与的项目,当时正值德国统一。项目所在地区被柏林墙穿过市中心,将城市一分为二。总体规划要求将100万平方米的城市荒地,改造成一片富有活力的复合功能开发区,并以一座新交通枢纽站为核心。

Richard Paul: : Potsdamer Platz was a project we did in Berlin in the 1990s at the time of reunification in Germany. It was in an area where the Berlin Wall passed right through the center of the city and literally divided the city in half. The brief required a masterplan to transform a million square meters of urban wasteland into a dynamic mixed-use development with a new transportation hub at its heart. 

 波茨坦广场项目 Potsdamer Platz @RSHP


The masterplan study proposed a flexible site development framework, that re-establishes Potsdamer Platz as the focus of the historical radial street pattern. A new linear park formed the ecological link which runs through the heart of the scheme. Renzo Piano eventually won the masterplan competition, and we developed a series of buildings on the site.

波茨坦广场项目 Potsdamer Platz @RSHP


Working within the constraints of the typical Berlin block, we utilized a low-energy agenda as the key principle to inform the geometry of the building as well as the design of its fabric. The erosion of the buildings at their South-East corner allows daylight to penetrate deep into the central covered atrium, to naturally illuminate the interior spaces and facilitate views from the building.

波茨坦广场项目 Potsdamer Platz @RSHP


The building was designed for natural ventilation throughout all seasons of the year. Along with other environmentally friendly approaches to some of the technical engineering challenges, it was estimated that energy consumption in the office buildings would be half of that generated by a conventionally air-conditioned building. The façades of the buildings are tailored to their solar orientation regarding performance, incorporating a variety of different glass types along with variable external shading. This allows the internal environment to be moderated in a passive way, responding to user requirements.

世贸中心3号塔楼 3 world trade center #RSHP


Tower 3 at 175 Greenwich Street is located at the heart of the revitalized World Trade Center site in New York, opposite the WTC Memorial and Cultural Center, at the heart of a cluster of buildings surrounding the memorial site. The brief called for the design of a new commercial skyscraper to deliver 2.8 million sq ft of commercial office space with retail at the lower levels.  

 世贸中心3号塔楼 3 world trade center #RSHP


The lower section of Tower 3 – the‘podium building’– contains the tower's retail component and trading floors, the upper levels provide the office space. The streetscape is activated on three sides by retail façades, allowing the free flow of shoppers between five levels of retail, three above ground and two below.

 世贸中心3号入口处效果图 3 world trade center entrance visualization #RSHP


Cortlandt Street and Dey Street are landscaped and pedestrianized passages forming part of the active public realm, promoting pedestrian permeability from the Eastern side of the city through to the Memorial. The tower features three external terraces located at Levels 17, 60 and 76. The terrace on the 76th floor is the highest outdoor office terrace in Manhattan. In total, these three terraces create 11,000 sq. ft of fully landscaped outdoor space offering a lush garden environment for its tenants.

 世贸中心3号塔楼空中露台 3 world trade center terrace #RSHP

理查德 保罗在世贸中心3号塔楼空中露台 Richard Paul at 3 World trade center terrace


Could you share with us your background story from F+P to RSHP? Have you been and are you involved with them because they are both iconic high-tech design firms?

理查德 保罗:我的职业生涯的前8年都在福斯特事务所。回想我21岁时,那时候非常想为理查德罗杰斯先生工作。回顾我的大学作品集,可以看出所有的设计都深受理查德的实践所影响。必须承认,我大学期间被这两个公司建筑工业化的先进做法深深着迷。

Richard Paul: I spent the first eight years of my career at Foster + Partners. Looking back to when I was 21, I really wanted to work for Richard Rogers. Going back to my college portfolio, all of my design work was heavily influenced by the work of the Richard Rogers practice. I must admit, at college I had always been fascinated by the progressive approach both companies applied to the industrialization of their buildings.

蓬皮杜中心 Pompidou center  #RSHP

蓬皮杜中心 Pompidou center  #RSHP

蓬皮杜中心 Pompidou center  #RSHP


The techniques of prefabrication at that time were more aligned to the car manufacturing industry rather than construction. I remember looking for the first time at an article about the Pompidou Centre in amazement at how a project of this nature could be achieved at the heart of what is principally an historic city.

IRCAM新闻发布会。从左到右Pierre Boulez, Robert Bordaz. Richard Rogers.Renzo Piano.

Press conference for IRCAM. 

From Left to right. Pierre Boulez, Robert Bordaz. Richard Rogers. Renzo Piano.

中标方案的模型 competition winning scheme model

最初方案 the original scheme 


The language and methodology by which the architecture is realized between the two practices has great similarity. Both Richard and Norman were educated under the tutelage of Paul Rudolph whose work clearly rubbed off on both of them whilst at Yale University in New Haven.

诺曼 福斯特 和 理查德 保罗 Norman Foster & Richard Paul 



Having spent the first part of my career at F+P primarily working on the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank Headquarters building in Hong Kong, it seemed a natural transition to move to Richard Rogers Architects, as it was named at the time.  

理查德 保罗 Richard Paul 


What attracts you to work on so many projects in Asia and China and to take charge of the local market?

香港口岸旅检大楼Passenger clearance building #RSHP


理查德 保罗:我一抵达香港,就爱上亚洲文化的活力氛围。我职业生涯的最初5年是在香港度过的,不同于从小成长的伦敦东区的环境,我深深陶醉于截然不同的文化差异,一切都是崭新的,生活节奏很快,人们从不浪费时间。而在项目上,我们年纪轻轻就被赋予庞大的责任,所以每个人都努力工作,尽情玩耍。

Richard Paul: I just fell in love with the dynamism of the Asian culture the moment I arrived in Hong Kong. The first five years of my career were spent in Hong Kong. I was fascinated by the cultural difference from the environment where I grew up as a child in the East End of London. Everything was new, life moved so fast,  and people never wasted a minute. Regarding the project, we were given tremendous responsibility at a young age – everyone worked hard and played hard.

北京新国际机场竞赛Beijing new international airport competition #RSHP 


Ever since those early days of living in HK, I always felt part of me would in some way remain connected with Asia. There is such tremendous energy in Asia and China, with great optimism. You really do feel absolutely anything can be achieved with such an amazing can-do attitude. It's really enjoyable experiencing the growth, and watching how the society adapts and changes to such a rapidly developing environment.      



Your advice to young architects.


理查德 保罗:勇于挑战,勇于表达,说不定会有意想不到的结果。当我还是这间事务所年轻建筑师的时候,事务所最棒的地方就是给年轻人有机会说出自己的点子和想法。你永远不知道什么时候灵光一现,好主意就冒出来了。我们合伙人最重要的工作,就是鼓励年轻成员可以自告奋勇的表达观点,而不会觉得被压制着,而且要去营造这样的氛围。我们很幸运能拥有一群聪明有才能的年轻人,他们需要成长茁壮,我们就要给他们创造机会。

Richard Paul: Always be challenging. Don't hold back with your ideas, you never know where they may lead. When I was much younger – as a junior architect in this practice –, the great asset of the practice was giving young people the opportunity to bring their ideas and thoughts forward. You never know where that next good idea is going to come from. The most important thing we can do as Partners is to encourage our younger team members to come forward with their thoughts and not in any way to feel suppressed. It's about creating the right environment for that to happen. We are lucky to have a lot of bright and talented young people, and they need to thrive. It's just about creating the right opportunities for them.

 RSHP工作室 RSHP studio #RSHP


About China



Please share how RSHP gradually emerged into projects and the market in China with more and more understanding of local culture and philosophy. And share some of the current projects you are working on.


理查德 保罗:我认为设计公司进入中国市场,往往直接沿用以往参与其他市场的常规方式。我认为中国在这方面是不同的。

Richard Paul: I think the instinct of any architectural practice entering the China market is to try and approach the work in a similar way to other markets they typically work in. I believe China is different in that context.

商业开发项目 Commercial Development #RSHP



I think we learnt the hard way, and time has taught us the need to remain far more flexible with a design far longer into the development process. As well as providing a series of options and giving the design and client interface time to mature. Dialogue with the entire development team is essential, to ensure the team moves forward on a united front.




Some companies appear to adopt a confrontational approach if they are not familiar with the culture, which is a stance that will never work in Asia, particularly China. There are always many ways to solve a problem – and the right route around an issue can always be found. We now have a much better understanding of the market from our experiences.



The Ningbo residential tower was our first project in China. It forms one of a pair of towers located at either side of the central waterbody representing the spine of the Eastern Ningbo Gateway development. The building form is both offset in sections as well as plans to maximize views for the apartments. The second tower is currently under construction. Being our first project, it taught us a lot about the development process in China.  

 宁波东部新城门户区住宅 Ningbo Gateway #RSHP


Oriental One for Vanke is really very interesting, as it is a predominantly a large residential development which we hope will transform a distinct area of Shanghai. The site has a fabulous location, the environment of the surrounding area is really changing very quickly as new developments get built. Oriental One lies at the center of this transforming neighborhood. The master plan creates a new central green heart to the development for the benefit of all its residents. The overall massing of the towers provides an articulated and varying skyline profile, which has been developed as a response to the complex daylight and sunlight requirements for the buildings to the North of the site. 

中兴路一号总图方案设计 Concept master plan of Oriental One #RSHP

中兴路一号效果图 Oriental One visualization #RSHP


The towers' positions optimize the view corridors to the South and Pudong, whilst ensuring all units maximize natural daylight, with the majority of the units having dual-aspect living space. There will be a high-level green promenade on top of the perimeter retail podium, which allows all residents to access the clubhouse via this elevated route. As one moves via this space, it will open up views down and across the central landscaped garden.

中兴路一号会所效果图 Oriental One visualization of clubhouse #RSHP

中兴路一号内部庭院效果图 Oriental One visualization of internal courtyard #RSHP

 中兴路一号立面效果图 Oriental One visualization of elevation #RSHP


The clubhouse forms a central marker for the development, located at the Eastern end of the site. A grand cantilevered roof canopy signifies entry from the street side, whilst on the garden side a series of external terraces allow the landscape to seamlessly flow visually into the building and the amenity spaces to engage with the greenery. This creates a real sense of calm and a place of refuge in this busy metropolis.

 中兴路一号鸟瞰效果图 Oriental One visualization of aerial view #RSHP(均为早期效果图,仅供参考,后期有调整)


The use of colour in the materials for the buildings' façades was a conscious decision to create an easily identifiable individuality in each of the buildings but also to bring vibrancy to the environment. The colours selected are from a complimentary range of the colour spectrum which work in harmony across the entire development.     

 石门一路塔楼Shimen 1st road tower #RSHP

 石门一路塔楼Shimen 1st road tower #RSHP


We are currently working on a new development in Shanghai at Shimen Road. This was the competition entry design. It is now in the early stages of planning. This site has an amazing central location which gives it great prominence in the context of the city. Particularly, as it has such a formal relationship with the historic Zhang Garden. 

 石门一路塔楼 Shimen 1st road tower #RSHP


The design adopts similar principles to those of the Leadenhall Building. The main commercial tower lobby has been elevated above the ground plane to make the lower levels as permeable as possible. It was important to bring down the perception of scale in the lower section of the podium so as to form a harmonious relationship with the heritage buildings. The design is still evolving, so this is really a snapshot in time. Integrating the surrounding public environment around the base of the building will be key to the success of the project, as it will form an entry point to the redevelopment of the Zhang Garden behind.



We are currently involved in a number of projects in Shenzhen and Qianhai. Ranging from our masterplan work on the Urban Living Room as the central landscaped public space of the entire development to a series of competition entries for both commercial and residential towers.

城市客厅总体规划 masterplan work on the Urban Living Room #RSHP

城市客厅总体规划 masterplan work on the Urban Living Room #RSHP


We are at present constructing a new commercial HQ tower for Kingboard at Qianhai in Shenzhen. This high-rise building creates a large single unified floorplate by placing the core to one side of the building, giving priority to the open-plan floorplate with views to the bay beyond.

前海建韬超高层商务楼 Kingboard commercial tower Qianhai #RSHP


The building has a strong structural expression, with a vertical division of the tower by a series of sky gardens which also contain a mega truss spanning between the building's four perimeter columns. These allow the floors to be hung, and minimize the scale of the structural elements interfering with the open-plan floor.

 前海建韬超高层商务楼 Kingboard commercial tower Qianhai #RSHP



The façades have been optimized with external shading tailored to the building's different solar orientations whilst still maximizing transparency. Construction has recently started, and we look forward to this being an exceptional landmark building not only for Qianhai, but Shenzhen as well.  

由于疫情影响,原定的当面采访改为网络采访。所以,只能用这样的“合影”了。非常期待与理查德 保罗先生的会面。

Due to CoronaVirus, we did the interview on line. So here is "our photo together". I am looking forward for the face to face communication with Mr Richard Paul.  


英国顶级建筑事务所的10条设计准则 | 专访RSHP合伙人Richard Paul (上篇)

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