

英语演讲第一站 精彩英语演讲 2020-08-21



美国纽约时间1月1日,Fox电视台的记者Pete Hegseth通过电话专访了美国总统特朗普,这也是特朗普本年度的第一个媒体专访,畅聊了2019年的希望和目标,主要还是围绕政府关门和边境墙经费的议题。

we’re live in times square.we wish you could be here as well.we know you are in washington. what are your plans tonight?

>> i’m sitting in the white house right now. i’m talking to you.

you know, it is -- i think moving along well. we need border security. everybody knows it. we need a lot of people approved that we can’t get through the senate.

we have 360 people. they want to join the administration. the ambassadors and lawyers and lots of other people. we cannot get them approved. because i could you could call it obstruction if you think about it it it. it is pure obstruction. we have a lot of other things.

we have probably done more, pete, than any administration in the first two years in history according to most.

>> pete: we want to get to looking back a little at 20 system. let me stay on the top ebbing of the shuttdown, mr. president. you stayed in washington, d.c. we’ve seen nancy pelosi in hawaii and democrats not ready to come back.

they want to see you stand firm. are you willing to continue the shutdown if the money does not come?

>> we have to have border security. the wall is part of border security.i hear about the wall is old fashioned.it is not old fashioned.it is 100% foolproof.you look at the wheel.i guess they would say the wheel is old fashioned.

it’s been around for a long time.the wall is the only way to do it. technology. nobody knows more about technology than me. technology is just the bells and whistles on the wall.

if you don’t have the wall, you are going to have people coming in. and my border patrol people they do a fantastic job. you know, they need the backup of the wall. they are the ones that want it more than anybody, pete.

>> pete: how far are you willing to go, mr. president? where do you anticipate talks with chuck and nancy?

>> i’m assume when they get back.

i’m in washington. i’m ready, willing, and able. they could have come over right now. i spent christmas in the white house.

i spent new year’s eve now in the white house. i’m here. i’m ready to go. it is very important. a lot of people are looking to get their paycheck.

so i’m ready to go any time they want. we’re not giving up. we have to have border security. the wall is a big part of border security. the biggest part.

>> pete: absolutely. mr. president, another piece of news, lindsey graham emerged from the white house. he was critical about your decision to withdraw from syria. he said now i support the president. 

he’s more hawkish on american troops and intervention abroad. what was said that changed the mind of lindsey graham?

>> i don’t think too much. i never said i’m going to rush 

out.  we’re going to get out. we’re getting out of syria. we’re bringing our young, great troops over after so many years.

we were supposed to be in syria for three to four months. that was four or five year ago. it is time. we have to bring them home. we’re going to do it in a very good way.

frankly, you know this better than anybody, pete, isis was all over the place when i took over. it was a total mess in syria. we’ve almost eradicated all of them.

we think all of them will be gone by the time we get out. we’re heading back, and we’re also fighting. you can do two things at once. plus as you know we have other bases in the general area. in particular we have one in iraq. nobody said anything about that.

we’re fighting the endless wars. i campaigned on getting out of the endless wars. i’ve done more than i said.

not only am i able to get out, but i’ve also won. you look at what i’ve tone. we’ve largely eradicated isis. that doesn’t mean we don’t totally finish the job.

that’s going to be a short period of time. we have to bring our troops back home. it is time.

>> certainly an accomplishment. the destruction of isis has not gotten enough notice.

>> they don’t want to talk about it. 

>> pete: they really don’t.

if lindsey graham is on bored -- board with a plan like that, that’s a good sign. everyone thought 2019 would be the year that democrats try to take the primary to win in 2020.

one of them jumped the gun. elizabeth warren, one of your favorite senators, will be announcing an exploratory committee.

your reaction to your opponent on the democratic side, mr. president?

>> i’m happy about it. i think she will be wonderful. i hope she maybe gets the nomination.

that would be a wonderful thing for me. the only reason the democrats as an example aren’t approving all of these people that want to come into government, and they really do, they want to come in.

we need lawyers and ambassadors and all of the 360 people the democrats won’t approve or look at not approving the wall. 

walls don’t work. it is because of the 2020 election. they think i’m going to win. i think based on record i’m going to win also. i think we’re going to win big. they figure by obstructing, they can do this.

elizabeth warren was the first. she did badly about proving she was from indian heritage. i think you have more. i would love to run against here.

>> pete: she says she’s in the fight all the way, mr. president. do you think she believes she can win?

>> that i don’t know.

you would have to ask her psychiatrist. honestly, if it is her or somebody else, based on our record, pete, when you look at what we’ve done and when you look at at the regulation cuts, and when you look at the massive tax cuts and what we’ve done for and when you look at the massive tax cuts and what we’ve done for the vets and for the military.

you know with the vets we have choice. now as you know better than anybody almost i can speak too we’re going to phase two and that was phase one. phase three. we’re doing it in steps. when you look at all of the things we’ve done for building up our military and all of the things.

i don’t think if you go just based on the record, i don’t see how anybody wins. we’ve done a lot. if you look at unemployment, we’re at a 50-year low.

for african-americans and hispanics and asians we’re at an all-time historic low. the history of our country low. i don’t know if somebody can do better than that.

good luck. it just doesn’t seem that based on the record somebody is going to do real well.

>> pete: that’s a fair point.

new year’s eve tonight a lot of our viewers it is a time for reflection. you look back on 2018 and look forward to 2019.

if i could, on a lighter note, your winners and losers from 2018 who are the big winnest and who are the big losers in the last year?

>> i think the winners are the american people. we’ve gotten them tax cuts and jobs. jobs like they’ve never had before. we’ve taken care of the military and rebuilt large portions and very shortly all of our military which was depleted.

i think that the big winners are the people of the country. that makes me very happy. the one that has lost, you know, i don’t want to really say. you have certainly a lot of people that wanted to do things that it didn’t work out.

i think when you look at some of the candidates that are announcing right now, i think they’ll end up being the losers.

you have a lot of people. 32 people could be with the democrats. let’s see what happens. i only -- i’m really more interested in the winners. and the winners are the people of the united states. 

>> pete: absolutely. any resolutions for the new year or any predictions in the new year, or both?

>> i think we’re going to have a great form of wealth. we’ve created a lot of wealth for our country. that’s very important. that means jobs, it means prosperity, it means we can afford to do what we’re doing with the military.

we’re working on tremendous trade deals where other countries have taken advantage of us so badly.

i complained on all of the stuff. i’m producing better than i said during the campaign than i would i’m producing better than i said during the campaign than i would if you look at what we’ve done.

i think we’re going to have tremendous success with trade deals. i think we’re going to have tremendously rebuilt military for strength and hopefully we’ll never have to use our military.

it will be so strong we’ll never have to use it. that would be a good thing. 

>> pete: mr. president, i shouldn’t say this. last year my resolution was to tweet more. it is the first resolution i kept. do you have any resolutions for 2019, sir? any resolutions?

>> just success and prosperity and health for our country. that’s all i want.

>> pete: absolutely. thank you so much for joining us.

i have to say my co-host kennedy wanted to say thank you. she loves the tax cuts as do so many americans. thank you for joining us.

>> terrific.

>> pete: she’s terrific. have a great new year’s in washington, d.c. we hope to see you soon.








