

英语演讲第一站 精彩英语演讲 2020-08-21





WHO总干事疫情简报会讲话 4.22

Globally, almost 2.5 million cases of COVID-19 have now been reported to WHO, and more than 160,000 deaths.
We see different trends in different regions, and even within regions.
Most of the epidemics in Western Europe appear to be stable or declining.
Although numbers are low, we see worrying upward trends in Africa, Central and South America, and Eastern Europe. 
Most countries are still in the early stages of their epidemics.
And some that were affected early in the pandemic are now starting to see a resurgence in cases.
Make no mistake: we have a long way to go. This virus will be with us for a long time.
There’s no question that stay-at-home orders and other physical distancing measures have successfully suppressed transmission in many countries. 
But this virus remains extremely dangerous. 
Early evidence suggests most of the world’s population remains susceptible. That means epidemics can easily re-ignite.
One of the greatest dangers we face now is complacency. People in countries with stay-at-home orders are understandably frustrated with being confined to their homes for weeks on end.
People understandably want to get on with their lives, because their lives and livelihoods are at stake. 
That’s what WHO wants too. And that’s what we are working for, all day, every day.
But the world will not and cannot go back to the way things were.There must be a “new normal” – a world that is healthier, safer and better prepared. 
The same public health measures we have been advocating since the beginning of the pandemic must remain the backbone of the response in all countries.
Find every case; 
Isolate every case; 
Test every case; 
Care for every case;
Trace and quarantine every contact;
And educate, engage and empower your people. The fight cannot be effective without empowering people and without the full participation of our people.
Countries that don’t do these six central things, and do them consistently, will see more cases, and more lives will be lost. 
To be clear, WHO’s advice is to find and test every suspected case, not every person in a population.
WHO is committed to supporting all countries to save lives.
And we are also committed to human rights, and to fighting stigma and discrimination wherever we see it. 
There are disturbing reports in many countries, in all regions, about discrimination related to COVID-19. 
Stigma and discrimination are never acceptable anywhere at anytime, and must be fought in all countries.
As I have said many times, this is a time for solidarity, not stigma. 
WHO is also working actively to address the impacts of the pandemic on mental health.
Working with mental health experts around the world, WHO has produced technical guidance for individuals and health workers, recognizing the enormous strain they’re under.
In addition, we’ve also developed a free children’s book about COVID-19 with partners from UNICEF, UNHCR, IFRC and UNESCO among others.
In less than two weeks, we received requests to translate the book into more than 100 languages, and the book is now being used among Rohingya children in Cox’s Bazaar, and children in Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Greece and Nigeria.
One of WHO’s core functions is to provide evidence-based technical advice to countries.
This is not something we do alone.
Every day, we work with thousands of experts all over the world to collect, analyze and synthesize the best science, and turn it into guidance that we give back to countries.
Through thousands of hours of discussion, we have exchanged first-hand experience and debated the science to generate the advice that we make available to all countries.
We then work with countries to turn that guidance into action.
WHO has staff in 150 countries all over the world, working directly with governments, scientists and partners to coordinate national preparedness and response plans, and to implement them.
I would like to use this opportunity to thank all my colleagues all over the world, in all 150 countries, for their hard work and commitment.
In addition, WHO has sent more than 70 surge teams to countries to strengthen surveillance, and provide advice on infection prevention, how to treat patients, risk communication, lab capacity, data management, and much, much more.
We’ve also brought in external support through our Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network – GOARN – and specialist Emergency Medical Teams, or EMTs. 
In addition to supporting countries, we also track progress globally. Among countries that have reported data to WHO,
78% have a preparedness and response plan in place;
76% have surveillance systems in place to detect cases;
And 91% have laboratory testing capacity for COVID-19.
But we still see many gaps around the world.
Only 66% of countries have a clinical referral system in place to care for COVID-19 patients;
Only 48% have a community engagement plan;
And only 48% have an infection prevention and control programme and standards for water, sanitation and hygiene in health facilities.
In other words, there are still many gaps in the world’s defences, and no single country has everything in place. 
WHO will continue working with countries and the international community to close these gaps and build sustainable capacities for now and the future.

But we’re not alone. We work with partners all over the world to harness their expertise and networks.
Earlier this week WHO and the International Telecommunication Union announced that we’re partnering with telecommunications companies to reach people directly on their mobile phones with text messages about COVID-19.
This will help reach half of the world's population that doesn’t have internet access, starting in the Asia Pacific region and then rolling out globally.
We’re calling on all telecommunications companies globally to join this initiative to help unleash the power of communication technology to save lives.
We also issued a call with the World Trade Organization, calling on countries to ensure the normal cross-border flow of vital medical supplies and other goods and services, and to resolve unnecessary disruptions to global supply chains. 
We need to ensure these products reach those in need quickly, and we emphasize the importance of regulatory cooperation and international standards.
Finally, with the holy month of Ramadan starting tomorrow, I would like to wish all Muslims around the world Ramadan kareem.
This is a season of reflection and community – an opportunity for kindness and solidarity.
Earlier today I spoke to health ministers from across the Eastern Mediterranean region.
I assured them that we will stand in solidarity with them, as we will stand with all countries.
We’re all in this together. And we will only get through it together. 
Again, Ramadan kareem. Shukran jazeelan.在全球范围内,目前已向世卫组织报告了近250万例COVID-19病例,死亡人数超过16万。 我们在不同区域,甚至在同一区域不同地方,看到了不同的趋势。 西欧大多数国家的疫情似乎处于稳定状态或呈下降之势。 非洲、中美洲、南美洲和东欧的数字尽管很低,但我们看到了令人担忧的上升趋势。 大多数国家仍处于疫情早期阶段。 一些在大流行初期受影响的国家中,病例现在开始卷土重来。 毫无疑问,我们还有很长的路要走。这种病毒或将与我们长期共存。 无疑,在许多国家,居家令和其他保持人际距离的措施已成功抑制了传播。 但是这种病毒仍然极其危险。 早期证据表明,世界上大多数人口仍然易感。这意味着疫情很容易死灰复燃。 我们现在面临的一个最大危险就是自满自足。不难理解,在实施居家令的国家,人们连续数周受限在家很难受。 由于生命和生计面临威胁,人们自然会期盼生活恢复正常。 这同样是世卫组织所期盼的。这正是我们每天为之奋斗的目标。 然而,世界不会,也不可能回到从前,一切照旧。必须有一种“新常态” ,有一个更健康、更安全、准备更充分的世界。 自大流行病开始以来,我们一直提倡采取公共卫生措施,这些措施必须是所有国家应对工作的支柱。 找到每一个病例; 隔离每一个病例; 检测每一个病例; 照护每一个病例; 追踪和隔离每一个接触者; 并教育本国人民,让他们参与,赋予他们能力。不赋予人民能力,没有他们的充分参与,这场斗争就无法取胜。 不执行或不始终如一执行这六项核心任务的国家,将会出现更多的病例,丧失更多的生命。 需要澄清的是,世卫组织的建议是发现并检测每一个疑似病例,而不是检测人口中的每一个人。 世卫组织致力于支持所有国家挽救生命。 我们同样致力于人权,并致力于同任何地方的污名化和歧视现象作斗争。 在各区域,在许多国家中,都有令人不安的因COVID-19而受歧视的报道。 无论何时何地,任何污名化和歧视都是绝不能接受的,所有国家都要与之作斗争。 我一再重申,现在是团结的时候,不是污名化的时候。 世卫组织还积极应对这场大流行病对心理健康的影响。 世卫组织认识到医务工作者所承受的巨大压力,我们与世界各地的精神卫生专家合作,为个人和医务工作者提供技术指导。 此外,我们还与儿童基金会、难民署、红十字与红新月联会以及教科文组织等合作伙伴一道编写了一本关于COVID-19的免费儿童读物。 在不到两周的时间里,我们收到了将这本书翻译成100多种语言的申请。正在向考克斯巴扎市的罗辛亚儿童以及叙利亚、也门、伊拉克、希腊和尼日利亚的儿童提供这本书。  世卫组织的一项核心职能是向各国提供基于证据的技术咨询。 我们不是孤军奋斗。 每天,我们都与世界各地成千上万的专家合作,收集、分析和综合最好的科学证据,并将它们转化为对各国的指导意见。 通过长时间讨论,我们交流第一手经验,就科学开展辩论,进而提出对所有国家的建议。 尔后,我们与各国合作,将这种指导意见化为行动。 世卫组织在全球150个国家设有工作人员,他们直接与政府、科学家和合作伙伴合作,以协调国家防范和应对计划并加以实施。 我愿借此机会感谢全世界150个国家的所有同事们的辛勤工作和全力投入。 此外,世卫组织已向各国派出了70多个快速增援小组,以加强监测,并就感染预防、患者治疗、风险通报、实验室能力、数据管理等提供建议。 我们还通过世卫组织的全球疫情警报和反应网络(GOARN)以及专业紧急医疗队网络(EMTs)协调和安排外部支持。 除了支持国家外,我们还在全球范围内跟踪事态进展。在向世卫组织报告数据的国家中,有:78%的国家制定了防范和应对计划; 76%的国家拥有能够发现病例的监测系统; 91%的国家具有COVID-19实验室检测能力。 但我们在世界各地仍看到许多差距。 只有66%的国家设有COVID-19患者的临床转诊系统; 只有48%的国家具备社区参与计划; 只有48%的国家制定了传染病防控计划以及卫生设施的用水、环境卫生和个人卫生标准。 换言之,全世界的防备体系仍存在诸多漏洞,没有一个国家样样齐备。 世卫组织将继续与国家以及国际社会合作,缩小这些差距,为现在和将来建设可持续的能力。 然而我们并非孤军奋战。我们与世界各地的合作伙伴通力合作,利用他们的专业知识和网络。 本周早些时候,世卫组织和国际电信联盟一道宣布,我们正与电信公司合作,通过手机短信让人们直接了解有关COVID-19的信息。 从亚太地区开始,然后推广至全球。这将有助于覆盖全球一半没有接入互联网的人口。 我们呼吁全球所有电信公司参与这一行动,充分发挥通信技术拯救生命的巨大潜能。 我们还与世贸组织一道呼吁各国确保重要医疗用品和其他商品及服务的正常跨境运输,并解决对全球供应链的不必要干扰问题。 我们要确保这类产品能够及时送达急需者手中。我们强调监管合作和国际标准的重要性。 最后,随着神圣的斋月从明天开始,我谨祝愿全世界所有穆斯林斋月安康。 这是一个反思和共享的时节,一个友善和团结的机会。 今天早些时候,我与东地中海区域的卫生部长们进行了交谈。 我向他们保证,我们将与他们团结战斗在一起,将与所有国家团结战斗在一起。我们风雨同舟,共克时艰。 再次祝愿斋月安康。非常感谢大家。












