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Everything We Know About Barron Trump's Positive COVID Test

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Almost two weeks ago, President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump tested positive for COVID-19.

As increasing cases spread within their inner circle, from press secretary Kayleigh McEnany to former White House adviser Kellyanne Conway, the president's young son, Barron Trump, appeared to have escaped contact.

Unfortunately, on October 14 Melania Trump revealed that Barron had tested positive for COVID-19.

In a statement, Melania revealed that after receiving her own diagnosis, she feared for her son.

"Naturally my mind went immediately to our son.

To our great relief he tested negative, but again, as so many parents have thought over the past several months, I couldn't help but think 'what about tomorrow or the next day?'" Unfortunately, Barron's next test came up positive for COVID-19.

Melania continued.

"Luckily he is a strong teenager and exhibited no symptoms.

In one way I was glad the three of us went through this at the same time so we could take care of one another and spend time together.

He has since tested negative." In light of Melania's statements, reporters asked the president for an update on Barron.

Trump answered that Barron was, quote, "fine." In the past, Donald Trump has downplayed the risk COVID-19 presented for young people, according to The Washington Post.

He incorrectly claimed that in some states, the virus affected nobody "Below the age of 18, like nobody.

They have a strong immune system.

Who knows." In the same statement where she confirmed Barron's positive test results, Melania Trump shared inside information about her own struggle with the coronavirus.

While her case wasn't severe enough to warrant moving to the hospital, as her husband did, it seems her case was still hard to endure.

The First Lady said, "I experienced body aches, a cough and headaches, and felt extremely tired most of the time." However, while the president opted for a cocktail of experimental drugs, the First Lady, quote, "chose to go a more natural route in terms of medicine, opting more for vitamins and healthy food." According to the first lady, her recovery was a time of reflection.

She said, "It was an unfamiliar feeling for me to be the patient instead of a person trying to encourage our nation to stay healthy and safe.

It was me being taken care of now, and getting first-hand experience with all that COVID-19 can do." Trump also thanked Dr.

Conley and his team and expressed her admiration for caretakers and first responders.

As CNN notes, Melania recorded several PSAs encouraging mask wearing and observing social distancing guidelines.

However, she has appeared at a number of events without a mask, including the first presidential debate and, of course, the superspreader event in the Rose Garden where many were infected.

When Donald and Melania Trump initially released their positive COVID-19 test results on October 2, the first lady's chief of staff, Stephanie Grisham, reported that Barron had tested negative.

It's unsurprising that the Trumps waited to share Barron's later positive test until after his recovery, considering that an emphasis has been put on the 14-year-old's privacy since soon after his father assumed office.

A statement released in January 2017 read, "It is a longstanding tradition that the children of presidents are afforded the opportunity to grow up outside of the political spotlight.

The White House fully expects this tradition to continue.

We appreciate your cooperation in this matter." The statement came after a number of commentators joked about Barron's appearance at his father's inauguration, including a Saturday Night Live writer who was suspended for her tweet.

The quest to ensure Barron Trump's privacy has acquired some unlikely allies, including former first daughter Chelsea Clinton.

Though Clinton has been a vocal critic of Donald Trump's politics, she has been a staunch advocate of the press and public keeping Barron out of the fray.

Shortly after the inauguration, Clinton wrote, "Barron Trump deserves the chance every child does — to be a kid." According to Melania Trump's statement, the whole family is on the mend from their brush with COVID-19.

The president has already returned to the campaign trail, making an appearance in Florida.



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