

One Speech A Day 精彩英文演讲 2023-01-03


最近美国社交媒体也出现了疫苗鄙视链,辉瑞处在最顶端,有钱人和社会精英普遍都打辉瑞,普通老百姓一般打莫德纳。辉瑞比较贵,但是副作用小。阿斯利康处于疫苗鄙视链最末端。而一位伊朗裔美国喜剧演员Maz Jobrani的2分钟脱口秀把新冠疫苗的鄙视链演绎得淋漓尽致。一起来一睹为快吧!



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I got the shot. Did you get the shot? You get the shot?

Which one did you get?

you get Pfizer?I got Pfizer too.

Bro, I try not to judge,but I judge.

But I am sure I go got Pfizer, They go, I got Moderna. I go good luck to you.

Then they'll be like, I got Johnson and Johnson, I go shit. You need better insurance.

Then they go, I got AstraZeneca. I go, when is the funeral?

No, I I think i've been telling everyone get it. get it get it, i swear to GOD.

People don't want to get it, because they think that that the government is gonna put a chip in them.

I go, who the *** do you think you are? That the government of the United States of America is concerned with what you're doing thursdays at 4:00? Who do you think you are?

I wonder what Jimmy does at thursdays at four.Let's put a chip in him and find out? you know how disappointed they'd be a week later like this guy's been sitting on a couch for a week.

He doesn't do shit.

My god.

By the way, if you're worried about a chipping, put in you, they already have it is called your phone.

All right?

And if you don't believe me seriously, believe me, tried buying a pair of nikes on your phone. See what happens.

I bought a pair of Nike 6 months ago, every time I turn on my phone and ask me, if I want Nikes?

I swear to god, I went on safari, I started looking for something, right?

Because you want some Nike's. I got no, thanks. I already have a Nike.

I did four scrolls, four scrolls later. How about now?

I go, bitch.I just told you up there. I don't want a Nike.

And then every APP on the phone is involved.

I should check the weather because it's gonna be hot. You want a Nike?

I got worried, I called my mom and go, mom, how are you? She goes you want a Nike?

I go, you too. Mom.

She goes Mars, I go, what? she goes,just do it.

Bullshit mother.

When the shit first hit, when I first said every time they mentioned a symptom on television, I thought I had the coronavirus.

You'd be watching the news. They'd be like if you have an itchy throat, you might have the corona virus.

Honey, I think I got it. Ha. Ha. Ha ha.

they go, If you have an achy body, you might have the coronavirus.

I'm 49, i've been aching for 15 years. Thank you.

I called the CDC, i go, I think I'm patient zero. They go , you want a Nike. 

You, two doctor Fauci.

Maz Jobrani的四分钟脱口秀


— 往期精彩英文演讲集 —

双语视频 | 特朗普曾发惊人言论:我感染新冠是“上帝的祝福”(附演讲稿)



