
梅赛德斯-奔驰爵士大师堂 | 大西順子,日本爵士乐界的女性巅峰人物






1994年,她以日本人的身份首次在纽约著名的爵士俱乐部Village Vanguard带领自己的乐队演出了一周。《Village Vanguard's Junko Onishi》这场表演赢得了无数奖项,随着它的流行不断上升到,达到了日本爵士乐坛的顶端。

Born in Kyoto on April 16, 1967. I grow up in Tokyo. In 1989, she graduated from the Boston University's Berklee College of Music, began working as a professional in New York, and worked with many jazz giants. In 1993, the debut album "Wow" was announced and made it a best-selling work.


In 1994, she performed as a Japanese first in a prestigious jazz club "Village Vanguard" in NY, leading his own group and performing for a week. The “Village Vanguard's Junko Onishi”, which includes the same performance, has won numerous awards and has risen to the top of the Japanese jazz scene along with its popularity.

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《Junko Onishi Trio》



2017年11月,她同时发行了自己的第一张民谣专辑《Very Special》,和同一年的三重奏专辑《Glamour Life》获得了JAZZ JAPAN AWARD 2017年度专辑、爵士类最畅销CD奖项。2018年12月,最新专辑三重奏发行。

Since then she has worked as a leader in Japanese jazz. Performed in 2013 with the Saito Kinen Festival Matsumoto and co-starred with the Saito Kinen Orchestra, led by Seiji Ozawa. It still has an overwhelming presence as a leading jazz pianist in Japan.


In November 2017, she released his first ballad album "Very Special" and "Glamorous Life" by Regular Trio at the same time, and won the JAZZ JAPAN AWARD 2017 album of the year, CD shop award jazz category. In December 2018, the latest album, Junko Onishi "Sekstedt" VI, which was recorded with three loops in the regular trio, was released.


《Very Special》

《Glamour Life》


Yosuke Inoue

Jazz Basist,Composer

1964年7月16日生于大阪。毕业于大阪音乐大学作曲专业。自1991年起活跃于纽约。1997年发行首张专辑《Speak Up》。目前,作为他自己的团队的领队,其他成员包括:Tetsuya Shioya, Junko Onishi, Kazumi Watanabe, Yuji Ohno & Lupantick 5, Masahiro Sayama VINTAGE,他参加了许多会议和录音,以及在日本和国外的活动。

Born in Osaka on July 16, 1964. Graduated from Osaka Music University Composition Course. Active in New York since 1991. Released the first leader album "Speak Up" in 1997. Currently, as a regular member of his own group, Tetsuya Shioya, Junko Onishi, Kazumi Watanabe, Yuji Ohno & Lupantick 5, Masahiro Sayama VINTAGE, he participates in numerous sessions and recordings, as well as in Japan and abroad. Activities.



Shinnosuke Takahashi


1978年生于神奈川县。1999年毕业后,他先后为山下洋介、西岛文雄、宫野高明、伊藤基子等人担任常规鼓手。2002年,发表首张专辑《luminescence》。同年,将移居至纽约。与Don Friedman, Grady Tate, Eric Person, Eric Lewis, Jon Davis, John Di Martino, Marcus Printup, Toki Akiyoshi, Lew Tabackin, Freddy Cole, Paquito D'Riverara Co-starring, David Kikoski, Ron Affif, Eddie Henderson, Houston Person, Gene Bertoncini, Warren Vache等人合作。2016回日本发展。

Born in Kanagawa Prefecture in 1978. After graduating in 1999, he worked as a regular and drummer for Yosuke Yamashita, Fumio Sikishima, Takaaki Miyanoue, Kimiko Ito and others. In 2002, the first leader work "luminescence" announcement. In the same year, move the base of activities to New York. Other active as a regular drummer such as No Name Hourses, Don Friedman, Grady Tate, Eric Person, Eric Lewis, Jon Davis, John Di Martino, Marcus Printup, Toki Akiyoshi, Lew Tabackin, Freddy Cole, Paquito D'Riverara Co-starring with many musicians including David Kikoski, Ron Affif, Eddie Henderson, Houston Person, Gene Bertoncini, Warren Vache, etc. 2016 Move the base of activities to Japan again.

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Junko Onishi(大西順子)- piano

Yosuke Inoue - bass

Shinnosuke Takahashi - drums




入场时间/Door Time:6:00 PM

演出时间/Show Time:7:30PM

B2剧场票价Ticket Price:


B1包厢价格Box Prices:

5人包厢价格/5 person:3300RMB

7人包厢价格/7 person:4620RMB

8人包厢价格/8 person:5280RMB

10人包厢价格/10 person:6600RMB





入场时间/Door Time:9:30PM

演出时间/Show Time:10:00PM

B2剧场票价Ticket Price:


B1包厢价格Box Prices:

5人包厢价格/5 person:3200RMB

7人包厢价格/7 person:4480RMB

8人包厢价格/8 person:5120RMB

10人包厢价格/10 person:6400RMB




入场时间/Door Time:5:00 PM

演出时间/Show Time:6:30PM

地址/Add:前门东大街23号 Blue Note Beijing


B2剧场票价Ticket Price:


B1包厢价格Box Prices:

5人包厢价格/5 person:3300RMB

7人包厢价格/7 person:4620RMB

8人包厢价格/8 person:5280RMB

10人包厢价格/10 person:6600RMB











“感性·纯粹”不仅是梅赛德斯-奔驰对于速度与激情的向往,更是对艺术与美的不懈追求。一直以来,梅赛德斯-奔驰始终积极推动音乐艺术的普及和发展,致力于将纯正的世界顶级音乐带进中国,如今更是联手Blue Note Beijing,带来“梅赛德斯-奔驰爵士大师堂系列”演出,开启又一经典乐章。在这里,世界顶级爵士音乐大师汇聚星徽之下,用生动的现场体验为热爱音乐的朋友们创造无与伦比的殿堂级艺术享受。音乐是心灵的回响,梅赛德斯-奔驰诚邀您沉浸在节奏与律动打造的爵士天籁之中,用音乐表达自我,唤醒内心深处的感动,共赴爵士生活的精彩旅程。


'Sensual Purity' is more than the unswerving yearning for speed and passion but also unswerving yearning for speed and passion for Mercedes-Benz, which has always actively promoted the development of art and music around the world, and committed to bringing the purest form of world-class music into China. To this end, Mercedes-Benz has teamed up with Blue Note Beijing to present the exclusive 'Mercedes-Benz Jazz Master Series'. This special performance series brings together the world's top jazz musicians to deliver unparalleled artistry to music fans and friends alike during a stimulating live show experience. Music is an echo of the soul. Mercedes-Benz invites you to immerse yourself in the rhythm and beats of jazz, awaken feelings deep inside, express yourself with music and start a journey into the extraordinary jazz life.



自五月始,Blue Note Beijing每周五、六晚,均设两场演出(部分演出当日仅售一场,实际以官网公布售票为准)。更多饮品优惠活动及“深夜食堂”超值菜单(仅限第二场)敬请期待!

