

2017-12-19 原著共读





US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley has warned the North Korean leadership that it would be utterly destroyed if war broke out.Speaking on the emergency meeting of the UN security council in New York she called all countries to cut their diplomatic and trade ties with Pyongyang.The continuing development of these missile systems demands that countries further isolate the Kim regime,so today we call on all nations to cut off all ties with North Korea,in addition to fully implementing all UN sanctions all countries should sever diplomatic relations with North Korea and limit military, scientific, technical or commercial cooperation.

美国驻联合国大使妮基·海莉(Nikki Haley)警告朝鲜领导人,如果战争爆发,朝鲜岛将完全被摧毁。在纽约召开的联合国安理会紧急会议上,她呼吁所有国家切断与平壤的外交和贸易关系。朝鲜核导弹项目的不断发展要求所有国家进一步孤立金正恩政权,所以,今天我们呼吁所有国家切断与朝鲜的联系。除了彻底实施联合国的制裁措施之外,所有国家都应该切断与朝鲜的外交关系,限制军事、科学、技术和商业合作。

Ms Haley said President Trump has urged his Chinese counterpart xi jin ping to cut off crude oil supplies to North Korea.


A court in Argentina sentenced two former ministry officials to life imprisonment for crimes against humanity. Captains*** known as the angel of death,and who had won a costa whose nickname was tiger, were found guilty of involvement in the torture and murder of hundreds of political opponents during the years of military rule between nineteen seventy six and nineteen eighty three. ***has refused to apologize to the victims describing human rights organizations in court as vengeance and persecution groups.


The rival Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah have asked for delay in the handover of government posted Gaza as scheduled for this Friday.A statement from Hamas said both groups were asking Egypt which is acting as mediator to postpone the move until December the 10th. Under the deal Hamas is due to hand over control of Gaza it ruled for ten years to the Fatah dominated Palestinian authority and president Mahmoud Abbas.


The largest solar plant in West Africa has been launched in Burkina Faso. The national power company says the fifty five active sites will provide electricity for tens of thousands of people. Burkina Faso plans to generate thirty percent of its energy by solar power by twenty thirty.


BBC news.


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