



左起:中国建筑学会副理事长、上海建筑学会理事长曹嘉明,欣稚锋艺术机构(APS)创始人汪斌(Robin Wong)女士,原建设部副部长、中国建筑学会原理事长宋春华及其夫人-中国建筑标准设计研究院顾问总建筑师张树君,华东建筑设计研究总院院长张俊杰,《建筑实践》杂志社社长李晓炜 / From the left: Cao Jiaming, Vice Chairman of the Architectural Society of China and Chairman of the Shanghai Architectural Society; Robin Wong, founder of Art Pioneer Studio; Song Chunhua, former Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and former President of the Architectural Society of China, and his wife; Zhang Shujun, Consulting Chief Architect, China Institute of Building Standard Design & Research; Zhang Junjie, President of the East China Architectural Design Institute; and Li Xiaowei, Publisher of Architectural Practice Magazine

9月26日下午,原建设部副部长、中国建筑学会原理事长宋春华及其夫人-中国建筑标准设计研究院顾问总建筑师张树君,中国建筑学会副理事长、上海建筑学会理事长曹嘉明,《建筑实践》杂志社社长李晓炜,中国建筑学会秘书长李存东,华东建筑设计研究总院院长张俊杰一行到访欣稚锋艺术机构(APS),与欣稚锋艺术机构团队进行了城市更新、城市空间建设以及公共艺术领域方面的交流。随后在欣稚锋艺术机构(APS)创始人汪斌(Robin Wong)女士的带领下,宋部长及曹理事长等一行实地探访了由欣稚锋艺术机构执行的“2019上海城市空间艺术季”——杨浦滨江南段5.5公里的公共空间已成功落地的永久作品。宋部长和曹理事长给予了此次项目极大的肯定,并表示这对中国城市环境与公共艺术的发展有着重要的示范意义。

On the afternoon of September 26, Song Chunhua, the former Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and former president of the Architectural Society of China (ASCC), and his wife, Zhang Shujun, consulting chief architect of CCTC, Cao Jiaming, vice chairman of ASCC and president of Shanghai Architectural Society, Li Cundong, secretary-general of ASCC, and Zhang Junjie, president of East China Architectural Design Institute, visited Art Pioneer Studio and had an exchange with the APS team on issues of urban renewal, urban space construction, and public art. Afterward, led by APS's founder, Ms. Robin Wong, former Deputy Minister Song and Chairman Cao, visited the "2019 Shanghai Urban Space Art Season" executed by APS. The 5.5 km of public space along the southern section of the Yangpu riverfront has been successfully installed various permanent works of art. Mr. Song and Mr. Cao praised the project and expressed its significant role as a model for developing an urban environment and public art in China.




欣稚锋艺术机构(APS)创始人汪斌(Robin Wong)女士与原建设部副部长、中国建筑学会原理事长宋春华、《建筑实践》杂志社社长李晓炜 



原建设部副部长、中国建筑学会原理事长宋春华 / Song Chunhua, former Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and former President of the Architectural Society of China

欣稚锋艺术机构(APS)创始人汪斌(Robin Wong)女士与华东建筑设计研究总院院长张俊杰

欣稚锋艺术机构(APS)创始人汪斌(Robin Wong)女士与中国建筑学会秘书长李存东 / Ms. Robin Wong, founder of Art Pioneer Studio, and Li Cundong, Secretary-General of the Architectural Society of China



The "2019 Shanghai Urban Space Art Season", a 5.5km public space in the southern section of the Yangpu Riverfront, is featured on the acclaimed journal Architectural Practice, sponsored by the Architectural Society of China. This special issue for the 2020 edition entitled “City Creation, Art Uploaded: The Pioneering Initiative of Chinese Public Art," was officially released recently. Minister Song Chunhua's preface for the special issue, "The Present and Future of Public Art in China" - an in-depth analysis of this project's relevance to the building of urban culture today -elaborates on the characteristics of this project including, "tailor-made, prime location and site-specificity"; "creating new sites of memories through a cluster of artworks"; "focusing on quality and sophistication"; and "having an open attitude in organizing cross-discipline collaborations" etc. 




Former Deputy Minister Song Chunhua has been focusing on and concerned about public art research and practice. He has presided over and participated in the creation of many major urban public art projects, such as "Mother of the Yellow River," "Changchun World Sculpture Garden," and "The statue of the young Mao Zedong at Juzizhou" and "Monument to Beichuan Earthquake Relief," and so on. Minister Song's article "Cultural Expression in Urban Public Space" stated, "The common issue that city administrators, planners, designers and artists confront today is how to solve the problem of cultural expression in public space. In other words, how to implant public art and generate the spirit of specific sites in physical public space, that afford the place with humanistic atmosphere, and better showcases the city's elegance, which would fulfill the public’s need for cultural and aesthetic experience at the spiritual level."


Architectural Practice, 2020 Special Issue

“City Creation, Art Uploaded: The Pioneering Initiative of Chinese Public Art.” Swipe left for further reading.


Architectural Practice, 2020 Special Issue
“City Creation, Art Uploaded: The Pioneering Initiative of Chinese Public Art.”
The complimentary issue, for internal circulation only.



APS | 卓于沾、吕洪良、吕旭,理想图景




欣稚锋艺术机构(Art Pioneer Studio)与国内外优秀艺术家、设计师和建筑师合作,致力于为城市与乡村室内外空间策划、设计并制作独一无二的定制艺术品,将触动人心的艺术力量赋予建筑空间和城市环境,以卓越的创造力打造非同凡响的公共艺术空间。


APS已与来自全球十余个国家和地区的40余位艺术家开展合作关系,并受政府委托策划执行2019上海城市空间艺术季(SUSAS 2019),同时在文华东方酒店集团、光明集团、陆家嘴集团及政府的多个境内外地产项目中担任全程艺术策划及监制顾问。

The Art to be continued…



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