

高行云 Sociological理论大缸 2019-09-03



1. 16年刷的古典少了,17年有空看看,比如journal of classical sociology

2. follow一下诠释论、机制解释这些社会科学哲学议题




6. 重点还是sociological theory和theory and society两刊,但广博推新时参考下social sci. information, current sociology之类刊物。

7. 依然基本不会去读太社会理论或社会思想/哲学的刊物,比如theory, culture and society。

8. 可能会结合自己对东亚史兴趣,推送东亚史刊物上,不是太理论的。

9. 依然不会推送自己的论文~~~





1. 【转】做學問,先學會照顧好身體【第16期】

2. 鲍勃迪伦社会学!《摇滚乐社会学》课程大纲!【第42期】

3. 欢迎硕博士生来《社会》发表理论研究论文【第38期】




1. 【转】做學問,先學會照顧好身體【第16期】

2. 暂告一段落吧!《Sociological理论大缸》第1-47期目录【第48期】

3. 2017年值得一看的英文社会学理论书籍【第50期】


Abbott, Andrew Delano. 2005. “The Historicality ofIndividuals.” Social Science History 29 (1): 1–13.


Bericat, Eduardo. 2016. “The Sociology of Emotions: FourDecades of Progress.” Current Sociology 64 (3): 491–513.


Deguchi, Takeshi. 2014. “Beyond Shame and Guilt Cultureto Globalised Solidarity: Reappraising Keiichi Sakuta’s Sociology of Values asa Galapagosized Sociology.” Theory: The Newsletter of the Research Committeeon Sociological Theory, Autumn/Winter.


Cheng, Tsuo-Yu. 2015. “The Ecology of Social Time: AnOutline of an Empirical Analytic Framework of the Sociology of Time.” Time& Society, March.


Collins, Randall. 2013. “Ten Major Theory Books Since2000.” Contemporary Sociology 42 (2): 160–66.

——Randall Collins书单:21世纪社会学理论的十大著作【第25期】

Gorski, Philip S. 2016. “The Matter of Emergence:Material Artifacts and Social Structure.” Qualitative Sociology 39 (2):211–15.


Heiskala, Risto. 2014. “Toward Semiotic Sociology: ASynthesis of Semiology, Semiotics and Phenomenological Sociology.” SocialScience Information 53 (1): 35–53..


Hirschman, Daniel, and Isaac Ariail Reed. 2014.“Formation Stories and Causality in Sociology.” Sociological Theory 32(4): 259–82.


Jindra, Ines W. 2014. “Why American Sociology NeedsBiographical Sociology—European Style.” Journal for the Theory of SocialBehaviour 44 (4): 389–412.


King, Anthony. 2010. “The Odd Couple: Margaret Archer,Anthony Giddens and British Social Theory.” The British Journal of Sociology61 Suppl 1 (January): 253–60.


King, Anthony.2016. “Gabriel Tarde and Contemporary SocialTheory.” Sociological Theory 34 (1): 45–61.


Lemke, Thomas. 2015. “New Materialisms: Foucault and the‘Government of Things.’” Theory, Culture & Society 32 (4): 3–25.


Liu, Sida, and Mustafa Emirbayer. 2016. “Field andEcology.” Sociological Theory 34 (1): 62–79.

——刘思达 等:场域理论与生态学异/同几何?对话何许?【第26期】

Opp, Karl-Dieter. 2013. “What Is Analytical Sociology?Strengths and Weaknesses of a New Sociological Research Program.” SocialScience Information 52 (3): 329–60.


Qi, Xiaoying. 2014. “A Note on Globalized Knowledge Flowsand Chinese Social Theory.” The Newsletter of the Research Committee on SociologicalTheory International Sociological Association, no. Spring/Summer.


Roseneil, Sasha, and Kaisa Ketokivi. 2016. “RelationalPersons and Relational Processes: Developing the Notion of Relationality forthe Sociology of Personal Life.” Sociology 50 (1): 143–59.


Wang, Yingyao. 2016. “Homology and Isomorphism: Bourdieuin Conversation with New Institutionalism.” The British Journal of Sociology67 (2): 348–70.


Takács, Ádám. 2015. “The ‘Return of the Event’:Adventures of the Event in Historiographical and Philosophical Discourses sincethe 1970s.” Divinatio, no. 39–40: 129–39.


Zhao, Dingxin. 2016. “China under Mao: A RevolutionDerailed.” Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 45 (5): 664–65.


Zwart, Frank de. 2015. “Unintended but Not UnanticipatedConsequences.” Theory and Society 44 (3): 283–97.


“Special Issue: Chinese Sociology.” Journal ofSociology 52 (1).

 ——近无内地学者的“Chinese sociology”—澳洲社会学联合会杂志特辑【第45期】


1. 剑桥大学出版社2016年发行社会学理论类图书一览【第9期】

——论辩人性:迈向一种哲学社会学(DebatingHumanity: Towardsa Philosophical Sociology

——变迁着的组织:跨文化脉络中的能动性理论(The ChangingOrganization:Agency Theory in a Cross-Cultural Context

——以战塑国?探究查尔斯蒂利的历史社会学(Does War MakeStates?Investigations of Charles Tilly's Historical Sociology

——从自我到诸种社会关系:从本质性关系式视角论社会动机(From Self toSocialRelationships: An Essentially Relational Perspective on SocialMotivation

——德国的世界性社会思想与西方观念(GermanCosmopolitan SocialThought and the Idea of the West: Voices from Weimar

——全球的诸权力:20世纪的迈克尔·曼的剖析及其超越(Global Powers: MichaelMann's Anatomy of the Twentieth Century andBeyond

2. 牛津哈佛斯坦福2016预出版社会学理论著作【第12期】

——速度社会学:数位的、组织的以及社会的时间性(The Sociologyof Speed:Digital, Organizational, and Social Temporalities

——后殖民思想与社会理论(Postcolonial ThoughtandSocial Theory

——市场基础主义的力量:卡尔·波兰尼的批判(The Power of MarketFundamentalismKarl Polanyi's Critique

——马克斯·韦伯辞典:关键词和核心概念》(第2版)(The Max Weber DictionaryKey Words andCentral Concepts, Second Edition

——《齐美尔与学科想象》(Georg Simmel andtheDisciplinary Imaginary


4. 本土博士生如何出版英语专著?—万毓泽老师的经验【第11期】

5.Randall Collins书单:21世纪社会学理论的十大著作【第25期】


SocialStructures,by John LeviMartin. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2009.


Marketsfrom Networks: SocioeconomicModels of Production, by Harrison C.White. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UniversityPress, 2002.


AgainstEssentialism: A Theory ofCulture and Society, by Stephan Fuchs.Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,2001.


The Disciplinary Revolution:Calvinismand the Rise of the State in Early Modern Europe, by Philip S.Gorski. Chicago,IL: University of Chicago Press, 2003. 


The Dark Side of Democracy:ExplainingEthnic Cleansing,by Michael Mann. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UniversityPress, 2005.

——米格尔·森特诺:《血与债:拉丁美洲的战争与民族国家》,宾夕法尼亚州立大学出版社,2002Bloodand Debt: War and theNation-Statein Latin America, by Miguel Centeno. University Park, PA: PennStateUniversity Press, 2002. 


The Opera Fanatic:Ethnography of anObsession,by ClaudioBenzecry. Chicago,IL: University of Chicago Press, 2011.


Laughing Saints and Righteous Heroes: EmotionalRhythmsin Social Movement Groups, by Erika Summers-Effler. Chicago,IL:University of Chicago Press,2010.


Body and Soul: Notebooks ofan ApprenticeBoxer,by LoicWacquant. Oxford,UK: Oxford University Press, 2004.

6. 赵鼎新评魏昂德《毛泽东治下的中国:一场革命脱了轨》【第37期】

Walder, Andrew G. 2015. ChinaunderMao: A Revolution Derailed. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UniversityPress.

7. 2017年值得一看的英文社会学理论书籍:布迪厄、吉登斯、格X诺X特……【第50期】

——Martin, J. L. (2017). Thinking Through Methods: A SocialScience Primer. Chicago ; London: University Of Chicago Press.

——Wagner-Pacifici, R. (2017). What Is an Event? Chicago ; London: University Of Chicago Press.

——Benzecry ,Claudio, Monika Krause and Isaac Reed. (2017).Social Theory Now. Chicago ; London: University Of Chicago Press.

——Granovetter, M. (2017).Society and Economy: Framework and Principles. Cambridge, Massachusetts:Belknap Press: An Imprint of Harvard University Press.

——Levine, D. N. (2017). DialogicalSocial Theory. Transaction Publishers.

——Rojas, F. (2017). Theoryfor the Working Sociologist. Columbia University Press.

——Norman Blaikie, Jan Priest. (2017). Social Research: Paradigms in Action.Polity Press.

——Bourdieu, Pierre. (2017). Uprooting. Polity Press

——Jeffrey C. Alexander. (2017). The Drama of Social Life.Polity Press.

——Anthony Giddens, Philip W. Sutton. (2017) Sociology,8th Edition. Polity Press


【Fri.Dictionary】什么是现代化(modernization )—美国的阴谋!【第46期】

【Fri. Dictionary】什么是制度?《牛津简明社会学词典》词条译文【第44期】

【Fri. Dictionary】什么是社会运动(social movement)?【第41期】

【Friday Dictionary】什么是能动性(agency)?【第38期】

【Friday Dictionary】什么是社会秩序(Social Order)【第36期】

什么是集体表象(collective representations)【第33期】

【Friday Dictionary】什么是结构(Structure)【第30期】





我要怎么办《Sociological Theory》杂志?Emirbayer的八条寄语【第52期】









Mustafa Emirbayer“比较历史社会学”课堂的五条“军规”【第53期】











